Transformative Lessons from “Freedom Writers”

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Updated: Oct 10, 2023
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During a recent movie night in our dorm’s common area, someone suggested watching “Freedom Writers.” While some groaned, expecting yet another predictable teacher-inspires-students film, I was quietly excited. Having heard of the movie but never actually watched it, I was curious. Little did I know that “Freedom Writers” would leave such a lasting impact on my perception of education, resilience, and the power of storytelling.

“Freedom Writers” chronicles the real-life story of Erin Gruwell, a young teacher thrust into a racially divided high school in Long Beach, California.

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On her first day, she’s met with hostility, indifference, and the grim reality of gang violence, racial tension, and societal prejudices. Instead of retreating, Erin takes a path less trodden. She invests in her students, introducing them to the Holocaust and other tales of intolerance, helping them draw parallels to their lives. The most compelling aspect of the movie was watching these students, initially reluctant, gradually open up, sharing their harrowing personal narratives through journal entries.

The movie brilliantly showcases the transformative power of education. Not the rote, textbook-centric education we often associate with our school years, but a more profound, life-altering education stemming from empathy, understanding, and shared experiences. Erin didn’t just teach; she listened. She provided a platform for her students, many of whom had been dismissed by the system, to voice their fears, dreams, and realities. In doing so, she not only bridged the racial and societal divides in her classroom but also empowered her students to believe in a future beyond the confines of their circumstances.

Reflecting on this as a college student, “Freedom Writers” offers multiple layers of insights. First, there’s the undeniable value of an educator who genuinely cares. Most of us can recall that one teacher who made a difference, who saw potential where others saw problems, who inspired not just through lectures but through genuine human connection. Erin Gruwell embodies that spirit, reminding us of the lasting impact educators can have.

Furthermore, the film touches on the significance of our narratives. Each student in Erin’s class had a story, often painful, always real. Sharing these narratives became a cathartic process, a means of healing, understanding, and growing. In the diverse tapestry of college life, where students from various backgrounds converge, the essence of “Freedom Writers” rings especially true. We all have stories, and there’s immense power in sharing, listening, and understanding these tales.

In conclusion, “Freedom Writers” isn’t just another movie about an inspiring teacher; it’s a testament to the human spirit’s resilience, the transformative power of education, and the profound impact of shared narratives. As I navigate my college journey, amidst the academic rigor and personal discoveries, the lessons from “Freedom Writers” serve as a beacon. They remind me of the potential within every individual, the stories waiting to be told, and the change that genuine empathy and understanding can bring about. In a world often divided by differences, “Freedom Writers” stands as a poignant reminder of the bridges we can build through stories, understanding, and a little faith in the power of education.

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Transformative Lessons from "Freedom Writers". (2023, Oct 10). Retrieved from