Freedom Writer Movie Review

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Updated: Apr 30, 2024
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Freedom Writer Movie Review

This review will critically examine “Freedom Writers,” a film based on true events that portrays a teacher’s efforts to inspire her racially diverse students through writing. The review will focus on the film’s exploration of themes like racial tension, education, and empowerment. It will evaluate the performances, direction, script, and the film’s ability to handle sensitive topics effectively. The review aims to assess the impact and relevance of “Freedom Writers” in the context of contemporary discussions on education and social justice. Additionally, PapersOwl presents more free essays samples linked to Film Analysis.

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Socialization is one of the great aspects of human beings. It through socialization, that human beings are able to relate and influence each other, positively and negatively. In this paper, I will analyze “The freedom movie”, a film featuring a teacher, who through his teaching professional is able to impact and change lives of young people who are undergoing different challenges in life occasioned by separation from their people. The movie has been set in Long Beach, taking place immediately after the Loss Angeles riots.

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In the movie, Hilary Swank plays Erin Gruwell, she is a crusading young woman who, through her characters, has been instrumental in showing how to stop racial hatred by influencing the minds of the young people. The teachers, the protagonist of the play has been able to put up with young people who are disrespectful and seem to enjoy the gangster kind of life. They no longer care about school, education or their futures at all. Erin takes up herself to instill the meaning of life and show them that they are not different from others. She devises different strategies to achieve this goal.

The producer or the maker of the movie has been able to lay down the foundation of the movie through the experiences of the young people featured. The benefits are not one way happening, both the teacher and the students are benefiting. This makes the movie to represent the real happening in society. While Erin is changing the lives of the students, his life is also being changed.

The bottom line of the focus of the movie is on how Erin changes the lives of her students, while they also change his. The realistic nature of the movie makes it incredibly powerful, to say the least. It has touched on the struggles and hardships high school students go through. Their lives have been affected by drugs, gangs, abuse, family conflicts. Despite what they go through, the system that should be instrumental in making their lives better treat them like they’re worthless. The system is demoralizing and could make their lives worse than it is. The story can hence be described as both moving and inspiring. Amid hopelessness, there comes a teacher who is keen to make things right.

The movie is rated PG13, it is, however, important to note that there are some scenes and language used that should be for an older audience. The movie contains intense situations, through an act and spoken by the characters that need more mature people to understand. This, however, does not make the movie any less meaningful but asserts positive messages regarding the power of education, believe in oneself and focusing on a future.

The structure is unbalanced. The enthusiastic peak of Freedom Writers comes an hour and a half into the film with the appearance of Miep Gies and the life-changing decision made by one of the understudies, therefore. Be that as it may, LaGravenese props things up for 30 additional minutes, and Freedom Writers starts to stay around too long. There’s another enthusiastic minute toward the end, however, it feels devised. While the one at the 1:30 imprint has a ring of genuineness, the one at the film’s end feels like it’s everything Hollywood.

This profound movie follows a well-known storyline. A hopeful youthful teacher despises the dangers at hand to instill sense to the students to regard one another and themselves. Unlike other movies that focus on heroism, this one is about making a difference in the society in the simplest manner possible. The teacher is white, she’s ignorant regarding her student’s brutal lives. At first, her students detest her cluelessness yet figure out how to value her endeavors to get them. It’s this last part makes chief Richard LaGravenese’s film work, notwithstanding its numerous banalities. Erin Gruwell (Hilary Swank) has any kind of effect by requesting that her understudies converse with her and one another – and following up on what they state.

The plot is predictable, the entertainers too old to even consider playing secondary school understudies, and the pacing excessively moderate. What’s more, extremely, the camera hovers around profound thought faces a couple of too often. In any case, Freedom Writers likewise contends for tuning in to young people. That in itself makes it an uncommon and near superb thing.

This film was an excellent motion picture with troublesome themes. This move secured pack brutality, loss of companions, demise, medications, drinking and numerous different subjects however it indicated how the young people felt. I accept this motion picture would be extraordinary to show a whole class of understudies and when you finish the motion picture you ought to talk about the accompanying points with your youngster.

Opportunity Writers conveys the normal messages about expectation and the capacity to change one’s fate and does it in a way that it is sincerely and mentally fulfilling. This is anything but an extraordinary film, however, it is a viable show where the enormous enthusiastic scenes more frequently feel genuine than invented. Through voiceovers, LaGravenese utilizes entries lifted from the genuine understudies’ journals to give the structure to the auxiliary stories (those of the youngsters), along these lines loaning a ring of genuineness. For the individuals who see it, the motion picture gets an opportunity to associate. Opportunity Writers are better than what film-goers regularly anticipate from an early January discharge.

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Freedom Writer Movie Review. (2022, Apr 29). Retrieved from