Traits of Odysseus in Homer’s Odyssey

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Updated: Sep 17, 2024
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Odysseus, the main guy in Homer’s Odyssey, is a really interesting character. He’s got a bunch of traits that make him stand out in old-school literature. One of his big things is his brains. People call him cunning or crafty. You can see this right from the Trojan War when he comes up with the Trojan Horse idea. That clever trick brought down Troy. His smarts show up again and again on his way home, especially when he deals with all sorts of mythical creatures and gods.

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Like, when he’s stuck in the Cyclops Polyphemus’ cave, he comes up with this genius plan to get out. He tells Polyphemus his name is “Nobody.” So, when he blinds the Cyclops and Polyphemus yells for help, he says “Nobody” is attacking him. Pretty clever, right?

Another big thing about Odysseus is his determination. No matter what comes his way, he’s dead set on getting back to Ithaca to see his wife, Penelope, and his son, Telemachus. It takes him a rough ten years to make it back, dealing with shipwrecks, monsters, and even gods messing with him. Even when the nymph Calypso offers him immortality, he says no. He’d rather be with his family than live forever. This shows just how dedicated he is to his life and loved ones. He even keeps trying to get the gods on his side, even though most of them don’t care about him or outright dislike him. His never-give-up attitude really shows how strong he is as a person.

Odysseus is also a pretty good leader. He’s in charge of his men and feels a big sense of duty towards them. He goes out of his way to keep them safe, even if it means risking his own neck. Like when Circe turns his men into pigs, he steps up and gets them turned back. He can motivate and rally his men, even when things look really bad. But he’s not perfect. Sometimes his pride gets the best of him, leading to some bad choices. Like when he taunts Polyphemus after escaping, which just makes the Cyclops call on his dad, Poseidon, to curse Odysseus’ trip home. This mix of good and bad leadership makes him feel more real and relatable.

Besides his brains, determination, and leadership, Odysseus can also be really emotional and empathetic. Unlike some heroes who are all tough and stoic, Odysseus shows his feelings a lot. He cries for his fallen friends, feels deep sadness about being away from his family for so long, and shows kindness to others he meets on his journey. This emotional side makes him feel more human and helps him connect with others. You really see this in how he treats his wife, Penelope. Even after all those years apart and all the temptations he faces, his love for her never wavers. This emotional loyalty highlights the importance of love and loyalty in his character.

So, wrapping it all up, Odysseus is a complex guy with a lot of layers. His smarts help him get through all the tough spots, and his determination keeps him going no matter what. His leadership, with its highs and lows, makes him seem real, and his emotional side makes him relatable. Through all these traits, Homer gives us a hero who isn’t just impressive for his deeds, but also for his human qualities. That’s why Odysseus’ story still hits home with readers even today.

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Traits of Odysseus in Homer's Odyssey. (2024, Sep 17). Retrieved from