To Succeed in the Music Industry, Join Social Networks

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Updated: May 02, 2022
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Have you ever wanted to be a famous or successful musician or artist? Being a famous artist is one of my biggest dreams and I plan on making it my career. This topic of making it in the music industry is going to be what I’m basing my senior capstone on. In my capstone, I will give you tips on how to build key components toward making it in the music industry. Things like building longevity, making a brand, expanding your social media presence, and networking.

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Now whether you want to be a part-time or full-time musician you’re going to need a brand to become a trending topic. It all starts with a conversation, say you were starting a group all people in the group must be there but if you are a solo musician you can start building your brand immediately, and trust me being a solo musician is way better. So start the branding by asking yourself what is my story? What makes my story different from the next person’s? Tell about your life story what made you want to make music, your passion, and what struggles you have grown up with. If you don’t have any appealing story or your life was just so dull look for inspiration from one of your favorite artists. Record labels need something that they can sell to the people. Once you’ve made up your story make up a few variations of the story. For example, make your fast thirty-second pitch of the story and make a long detailed version of the story, fans want to feel attached to their favorite artist. The next thing, you should do is create a list of influential people, people who could be helpful on your way toward making it in the music industry people like bloggers, media characters, or even people who simply see your same vision. If you were a Canton rapper you should look for a blogger online who covers rappers, you can also look into finding local Canton city publishers that may just be interested in your music just because it’s coming from the local area. The last few things you need to finish up making your brand is a list of resources. You need to have updated media, A list of people you need to connect with, maybe even get a photoshoot so you can build a profile, and finally go make your logo.

After you are done making your brand, it’s time to go share your brand with the right people. Music influencers, bloggers, and record labels are more likely to give you a listen once they see that you’ve put in some work. Next on my tips on how to make it in the music industry is Social media. Now when it comes to social media everyone wants in on the action. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and Google plus are highly active social networks. Everyone wants to be big on social media, but lucky for you I’ve got a little list on how to become a strong social media presence. Number one think about and identify your goals and main objectives know what you want out of social media before you even start posting. Ensure you know how each of the multiple platforms I listed works, figure out what audience you can reach and what area are they from, and what your main objectives are and you should be off to a good start. Let your audience know that you are human. Let your audience see the softer side of you. Interact on all your social media accounts and often turn your followers into friends. Don’t just post the link to your new music video and hope someone will just click on the link. Get on your accounts dm (direct message) people, comment under other people’s posts show them you’re an active and connected to them. Optimize your social media accounts! Optimizing your social media accounts means using key tags that link or go with your brand. Think about what your followers search up on Google, Bing, Yahoo, or any other search engines, and use the same key tags in your post. As a matter a fact you should use Hashtags often #. Hashtags are totally in these days people use hashtags to bring more people around the world to their pages. You can use hashtags on apps like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter but Please don’t and I mean please do not be the person who ends every post with 75 different hashtags LOL. Show your audience there are benefits to being one of your followers. People, who visit your page might ask why should I even follow him? What’s in it for me? Do something like giveaways or post a follower on your page every Friday to show them you appreciate them. Doing things like this helps build trust or interest. Trust me to consider liking your fan’s post always share the love making the people who support you feel special!

Next on my list of tips and tricks on how to work towards making in the music industry is networking. No matter what type of music you or your music group makes it’s going to take the help of people to become successful. It doesn’t matter if you were Drake or J Cole. Trust me a lot of the time I need people’s help too. You’re always going to need people to purchase your music, people to book you for shows, fans to show up to your shows, and people to help you with the business and legal side of your brand. Now there are many ways to meet the people you need to meet, but I will give you my three rules that can be the most effective in this area. Meeting someone in person is the absolute number one way to meet someone. Nothing can compare to looking someone in the eyes when you’re talking to them. You can learn a lot about someone from a handshake, a person’s attire, his/her professionalism, his/her mannerisms, and experiencing personal chemistry. The next best thing to meeting someone in person is being introduced to and recommended by a mutual friend or business associate. The worst thing you can do is meet up with someone and never meet up with them again that makes the first time meeting them meaningless you might as well of never met them at all. Always be ready to network and meet people who can be influential to you go. But people won’t just pop up in your life you have to put yourself in a position to meet people. If you see a celebrity or someone with high recognition please don’t be thirty and jam a mixtape in their face. They deal with hundreds of people who do the same thing there is a time and place when you can ask politely if someone will listen to your music and ask someone to listen to your song when you are at a place like an office or industry networking events. You should always carry a business card and ask for referrals from big influences in the music industry.

The last thing that I believe to be a key component to making it in the music industry is building longevity. Longevity is something that artists shouldn’t take for granted. At this time and day, your music career can be temporary. Something that was fired last year or even last week can become boring and lame in the blink of an eye. Now, what does it mean to have longevity in the music industry you may ask? Honestly, it’s just having a long career life. Longevity in the music industry is having fans who will continue to listen to your music and support the things that you are doing. That means fans are still purchasing music, merchandise, concert tickets, and attending live shows. Ways to keep your career strong/ work on your longevity are. Reinventing yourself find what works best for you. Working with different producers and engineers Michael Jackson had plenty of songs reach the top 10 charts over 50 years, he constantly developed a new sound and he would never bore his fans with the same old music. Don’t be afraid to fail or look bad! Trying something new can be scary but chances make chances so I believe you should always give opportunities a chance. Be humble and don’t have a cocky mindset. If you feel like you are the best in the world you more than likely won’t strive for greatness and your music will become boring. Always want to become better!  That is my number one sentence if you don’t take anything from my whole essay remember that “ Always want to become better”. But these were my tips on how to make it in the music industry. I hope that my essay maybe helped you get closer to your dreams of making it big one day. Maybe one day we can do a song together lol. Have you ever wanted to be a famous or successful musician or artist? Being a famous artist is one of my biggest dreams and I plan on making it my career. This topic of making it in the music industry is going to be what I’m basing my senior capstone on. In my capstone, I will give you tips on how to build key components toward making it in the music industry. Things like building longevity, Making a brand, Expanding your social media presence, And Networking. Now whether you want to be a part-time or full-time musician you’re going to need a brand to become a trending topic. It all starts with a conversation, Say you were starting a group all people in the group must be there but if you’re a solo musician you can start building your brand immediately, and trust me being a solo musician is way better. So start the branding by asking yourself what is my story? What makes my story different from the next person’s? Tell about your life story what made you want to make music, your passion, and what struggles you have grown up with. If you don’t have any appealing story or your life was just so dull look for inspiration from one of your favorite artists. Record labels need something that they can sell to the people. Once you’ve made up your story make up a few variations of the story. For example, make your fast thirty-second pitch of the story and make a long detailed version of the story, fans want to feel attached to their favorite artist. The next thing you should do is create a list of influential people, people who could be helpful on your way toward making it in the music industry people like bloggers, media characters, or even people who simply see your same vision. If you were a Canton rapper you should look for a blogger online who covers Rappers, you can also look into finding local Canton city publishers that may just be interested in your music just because it’s coming from the local area. The last few things you need to finish up making your brand is a list of resources. You need to have updated media, A list of people you need to connect with, maybe even get a photoshoot so you can build a profile, and finally go make your logo.

After you are done making your brand, it’s time to go share your brand with the right people. Music influencers, bloggers, and record labels are more likely to give you a listen once they see that you’ve put in some work. Next on my tips on how to make it in the music industry is Social media. Now when it comes to social media everyone wants in on the action. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and Google plus are highly active social networks. Everyone wants to be big on social media, but lucky for you I’ve got a little list on how to become a strong social media presence. Number one think about and identify your goals and main objectives know what you want, out of social media before you even start posting. Ensure you know how each of the multiple platforms I listed works, figure out what audience you can reach and what area are they from, and what your main objectives are and you should be off to a good start. Let your audience know that you are human. Let your audience see the softer side of you. Interact on all your social media accounts and often turn your followers into friends. Don’t just post the link to your new music video and hope someone will just click on the link. Get on your accounts dm (direct message) people, comment under other people’s post-show them you’re an active and connected to them. Optimize your social media accounts! Optimizing your social media accounts means using key tags that link or go with your brand. Think about what your followers search up on Google, Bing, Yahoo, or any other search engines, and use the same key tags in your post. As a matter a fact you should use Hashtags often #. Hashtags are totally in these days people use hashtags to bring more people around the world to their pages. You can use hashtags on apps like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter but Please don’t and I mean please do not be the person who ends every post with 75 different hashtags LOL. Show your audience there are benefits to being one of your followers. People, who visit your page might ask why should I even follow him? What’s in it for me? Do something like giveaways or post a follower on your page every Friday to show them you appreciate them. Doing things like this helps build trust or interest. Trust me to consider liking your fan’s post always share the love making the people who support you feel special!

Next on my list of tips and tricks on how to work towards making in the music industry is networking. No matter what type of music you or your music group makes it’s going to take the help of people to become successful. It doesn’t matter if you were Drake or J Cole. Trust me a lot of the time I need people’s help too. You are always going to need people to purchase your music, people to book you for shows, fans to show up to your shows, and people to help you with the business and legal side of your brand. Now there are many ways to meet the people you need to meet, but I will give you my three rules that can be the most effective in this area. Meeting someone in person is the absolute number one way to meet someone. Nothing can compare to looking someone in the eyes when you are talking to them. You can learn a lot about someone from a handshake, a person’s attire, his/her professionalism, his/her mannerisms, and experiencing personal chemistry. The next best thing to meeting someone in person is being introduced to and recommended by a mutual friend or business associate. The worst thing you can do is meet up with someone and never meet up with them again that makes the first time meeting them meaningless you might as well of never met them at all. Always be ready to network and meet people who can be influential to you go. But people won’t just pop up in your life you have to put yourself in a position to meet people. If you see a celebrity or someone with high recognition please don’t be thirty and jam a mixtape in their face. They deal with hundreds of people who do the same thing there is a time and place when you can ask politely if someone will listen to your music and ask someone to listen to your song when you are at a place like an office or industry networking events. You should always carry a business card and ask for referrals from big influences in the music industry.

The last thing that I believe to be a key component to making it in the music industry is building longevity. Longevity is something that artists shouldn’t take for granted. At this time and day, your music career can be temporary. Something that was fired last year or even last week can become boring and lame in the blink of an eye. Now, what does it mean to have longevity in the music industry you may ask? Honestly, it’s just having a long career life. Longevity in the music industry is having fans who will continue to listen to your music and support the things that you are doing. That means fans are still purchasing music, merchandise, concert tickets, and attending live shows. Ways to keep your career strong/ work on your longevity are. Reinventing yourself find what works best for you. Working with different producers and engineers Michael Jackson had plenty of songs reach the top 10 charts over 50 years, he constantly developed a new sound and he would never bore his fans with the same old music. Don’t be afraid to fail or look bad! Trying something new can be scary but chances make chances so I believe you should always give opportunities a chance. Be humble and don’t have a cocky mindset. If you feel like you are the best in the world you more than likely won’t strive for greatness and your music will become boring. Always want to become better! ( That is my number one sentence if you don’t take anything from my whole essay remember that “ Always want to become better”. 

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To Succeed In The Music Industry, Join Social Networks. (2022, May 02). Retrieved from