The Sugar Act and the French Revolution

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In addition to the Sugar Act, the government decided to place the Stamp Act in 1765, placing taxes on items like documents, newspapers, and even playing cards. The colonists began to revolt this and petitioned against the Parliament. With this, the colonists began to feel that they were being treated unfairly because of how they were being targeted even though they did not have a say in the government and they did not have certain rights (

The British government also decided to place tax to pay for the the British East India Company by passing the Tea Act of 1773.

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In addition, the tax money was going to be used to grow the company to the British colonies. However, because of the strong rebuttal, the government decided that they would not place taxes on any other items. (

The colonists in America felt that the Parliament did not have the right to tax them after war because they were not a part of the government and did not have certain rights. Because of this, the colonists began to go against each of the taxes that were placed on objects like legal documents or even newspapers. ( This led to many revolts such as the Boston Tea Party and the Boston Massacre.

The Boston Tea Party occurred after the taxation of tea was placed. The colonists dressed up as Indians and threw tea overboard in a harbor ( The Boston Massacre was happened after British soldiers shot and killed five people while colonists were rioting (

The French Revolution was a radical movement that changed the economic and political system of France. The French Revolution was a result of the economic struggle and the lack of power that the peasants had. France had been facing conflict with the growth of population as it had increased to the extent that there was not enough food for everybody. In addition, there were several famines that led to the crops and harvest not producing. This led to a rise in food price, and because the majority were peasants, most people could not afford to buy this food (Barber 4).

The people of France were broken up into three social groups called the Three Estates. The first estate was made up of priests and church officials, people who were very respected in the period where the Church was powerful. The second estate was made up of nobles, who had the most amount of power. These people had land, had power in the church, and had the privilege of not paying taxes. The third estate was made up of peasants and the bourgeoisie, who were the middle class. These people had the least power and had to pay all the taxes placed. Most people were a part of the third estate (Barber 8-9).

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The Sugar Act and The French Revolution. (2019, Dec 21). Retrieved from