The Story Behind the Heroic Actions on Flight 93

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Updated: May 21, 2024
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The Story Behind the Heroic Actions on Flight 93

This essay about the heroic actions on United Airlines Flight 93 during the September 11, 2001 attacks describes how passengers and crew fought back against hijackers to prevent further catastrophe. The flight, originally headed from Newark to San Francisco, crashed in a field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, after the onboard individuals learned of other attacks and decided to intervene. Their bravery is credited with saving countless lives by preventing the aircraft from reaching its likely targets, the White House or the U.S. Capitol. The essay also touches on the broader impact of this event, including changes in airline security and the enduring legacy of courage it instilled. The Flight 93 National Memorial is highlighted as a site of remembrance and tribute to the resilience and quick action of those aboard.

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In the midst of a string of horrific terrorist assaults that stunned the entire globe on September 11, 2001, one brave story that has persisted in striking a deep chord in American hearts is the story of United Airlines Flight 93. The idea that passengers are only victims in acts of terror is called into question when this flight, which was traveling from Newark, New Jersey, to San Francisco, California, turned into a battlefield of valor and sacrifice.

Four al-Qaeda terrorists took control of the aircraft as part of a planned operation to target important symbols of US power.

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In contrast to the other planes that day, Flight 93 failed to arrive at its target, which was thought to be the US Capitol or the White House. Rather, it collided into a field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, averting additional disaster. The personnel and people on board took remarkable actions, which directly led to this outcome.

At 9:28 AM, as the hijackers took control, passengers and crew began to make calls to loved ones and authorities, quickly gathering information about the other hijackings and attacks that had already struck the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Realizing that their flight was part of a larger attack and likely aimed at causing even more extensive damage, a group of passengers and flight attendants formulated a plan to take back the aircraft.

What followed was a testament to the human spirit’s resilience and bravery. Passengers, including Todd Beamer, Mark Bingham, Tom Burnett, and Jeremy Glick, among others, decided to fight back. The cockpit voice recorder captured the sounds of their struggle: shouts, crashes, and the determined voices of those who chose to act. Todd Beamer’s last recorded words, “Let’s roll,” would later echo as a rallying cry for American resilience.

The plane ultimately crashed at 10:03 AM, killing all 44 people aboard including the hijackers. While this was a tragic loss, the actions of Flight 93’s passengers and crew undoubtedly saved countless lives by preventing the aircraft from reaching its intended target.

The legacy of Flight 93 extends beyond its immediate, tragic circumstances. It has fostered a profound sense of unity and heroism in the face of terror. The Flight 93 National Memorial in Shanksville stands as a somber reminder of the costs of terrorism as well as a tribute to human courage. Every year, people gather here to honor the memories of those aboard Flight 93, acknowledging that their collective action represented one of the first counterattacks against terrorism by ordinary citizens.

This incident also significantly impacted how airline security is managed, leading to drastic changes in both policy and practice. The courage displayed by the passengers and crew has served as both a lesson and inspiration in training for potential terrorist attacks, highlighting the role that vigilant and brave individuals can play in extraordinary circumstances.

In reflecting on the story of Flight 93, it is crucial to remember the broader narrative of that day, one marked by horror but also profound heroism. The actions taken by those aboard Flight 93 remind us of the power of collective action and the indomitable spirit of people who are determined to protect others, even at great personal risk. Their legacy continues to inspire and shape discussions on how to handle such dire situations, ensuring that their bravery will never be forgotten.

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The Story Behind the Heroic Actions on Flight 93. (2024, May 21). Retrieved from