The Soul of an Individual and the Clones in “Never Let me Go”

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In this world, every kid, influenced by any type of factor, whether real or manufactured, is still intrinsically human. The concern arises: do these clones have souls? Many argue that they do not, but if they really didn’t, would they develop feelings like love? Would this phenomenon be possible without a soul? These clones are simply created for organ donations and nothing more. They deserve the right to control their own lives, rather than allowing others to dictate their fate.

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These individuals will seek love, spirit, and the meaning of life. The principle of individuality is rooted in the clone’s desire for existence, explored in Ishiguro’s “Never Let Me Go”.

As time evolves, these children start to conform and obey others. They have their distinct desires. Kathy, for instance, wants to have a baby and live a romantic life, but she’s not permitted to. Her desire to have a child is strong, but they were designed to engage in sexual activity without the fear of procreation. The song “Never Let Me Go” becomes symbolic, as she imagines a baby encouraging her to persist. They should be freed to live their life. They possess rights just like other humans. If total freedom isn’t possible, they should at least be entitled to comprehensive, honest information about their origins and futures. In relation to this story, Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave” illustrates that the world may not be as we perceive it, further alienating us from reality and our surroundings. It is better to accept an unpleasant truth than a comforting lie. These clones dwell in secluded cottages, oblivious to the world around them, thus unable to live a “normal” life.

As these clones mature, they embark on a search for their “possibles”— the individuals they might have been cloned from. This was crucial for them, as it gave a glimpse into their possible futures. It didn’t necessarily denote they were going to turn out identical, but it offered some insight into their future life prospects. The shared affection for the same individual created a rift between Kathy and Ruth, until they recognized the depth of their love towards each other. Tommy’s gallery theory and outbursts suggest that Madame associated with them solely for cloning their donations when they fell in love. Could Tommy and Kathy verify their mutual love and confront their destinies? The underlying purpose of encouraging students to create art might have been to demonstrate to the public that they possess souls and deserve to be treated with empathy and compassion.

The lost hopes of Tommy, Kathy, and Ruth from childhood might be discovered in Norfolk. This was something they thought of and trusted. Someone just wanted a satisfying afterlife. Some rumors were told that if two clones could confirm that they were truly in love, they could pause their careers for a couple of years. They would then have time for each other and finally be happy in their lives. Ruth says, “When we lost something valuable, and we had looked and still couldn’t find it…We still had the last bit of comfort, believing that someday when we were matured, and we were free to travel around the country, we could always go and find it again in Norfolk,” (Ishiguro 66). We need to find a way to emerge from the darkness. Those who remain in the cave are afraid to be part of the real world, similar to Plato’s theory. It’s better to die fighting for freedom than to live life in chains, but it seemed like every time they saw some light, it somehow then vanished.

Once the deferment was revealed as a myth, Kathy and Tommy couldn’t be together and there was nothing much left to do. The love they felt for each other couldn’t be expressed. Although they tried to fight for one another, the easiest escape was to resign their freedom and love. They could have taken Tommy, the person she loved, but the memories she had with him from childhood to adulthood would always remain. Kathy says, “But I won’t go along with that. The memories I value most, I don’t see them ever fading. I lost Ruth, then I lost Tommy, but I won’t lose my memories of them,” (Ishiguro 286). She suggests that they could take what’s in her body, but they can’t alter her mind or heart. Norfolk was a place where lost things were found. Kathy and Tommy’s love was lost, but when she goes to Norfolk, she thinks of Tommy running toward her. I believe the boat will keep the couple together until they meet in the afterlife.

The clones were trapped with no exit, which only made each individual stronger, managing to support each other. They were treated as robots without hearts, even though there was still feeling in them. They should be treated with equal human rights. I believe that robots are just as capable as any other being to have souls. Being trapped in a cave, not knowing they could leave, was hard. The conclusion is that cloned humans have their souls and deserve the same dignity and respect offered to any other human life. Don’t let others control your happiness. Each of us must control our destiny. Cloned humans have their own soul and deserve the same dignity and respect given to any other human life.

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The Soul of an Individual and the Clones in "Never Let Me Go". (2022, Dec 15). Retrieved from