The Sociological Perspective: the Promise

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The Sociological Perspective: the Promise

This essay will explore the concept of “The Promise” in sociological perspective, elucidating how individual experiences are shaped by larger social forces, and examining key sociological theories and their relevance in understanding contemporary society. You can also find more related free essay samples at PapersOwl about Adolescence.

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Sociology was emerged into the world in the early nineteenth century. Sociology is the study of human social relationships and establishments. Sociology’s subject material is various, starting from crime to faith, from the family to the state, from the divisions of race and people to the shared beliefs of a common culture, and from social stability to radical amendment in whole societies. Sociology has multiple purposes, but the main one is that it helps us identify the social factors that affect our everyday lives.

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Many sociologists analyze social phenomena at different levels and from different perspectives. The three main perspectives are: the functionalist perspective, the conflict perspective, and the symbolic interactionist perspective. Each perspective offers a spread of explanations concerning the social world and human behavior.

Sociological Imagination, in my opinion, is a framework for understanding our social world that so much surpasses any sense notion we would derive from our restricted social experiences. According to the book, The Sociological Perspective by C.Wright Mills, he states that “Neither the life of an individual nor the history of society can be understood without understanding both.” This science imagination is creating the affiliation between personal challenges and larger social problems. Mills recognizes “troubles” (personal challenges) and “issues” (larger social challenges), commonly referred to as life history, and history. Mills’ conceptualization of the science imagination grants people to check the relationships between events in their personal lives, biography, and events in their society, and history. In alternative words, this mental attitude provides the flexibility for people to comprehend the connection between personal experiences and therefore the larger society.

Donna Gaines, a journalist, cultural sociologist, and New York State certified social worker, wrote a book called “Teenage Wasteland.” This is about four teenagers who commit suicide together. This book is tied to C. Wright Mills because Gaines illustrates that when one person commits suicide, it is a personal tragedy but when a group of people generate a suicide pact together, then that becomes a public issue. However, when using the sociological imagination, Gaines argues that this is not simply a suicide committed by “troubled teens” but other basic themes are present. For example, Gaines incorporates the concept of the sociological imagination is when she describes how she reacted to how the people of Bergenfield acted after the death of the four teens. Gaines mentions “even after they were dead, nobody cut them slack… they were referred as ‘troubled losers” (Teenage Wasteland, p.8). Gaines is clearly annoyed at however her community treats the dead teens with disdain. However, through the social science imagination, Gaines mentions a way larger reverse for society as a results of this expertise. Gaines mentions “the Bergenfield suicides symbolized a tragic defeat for young people”(Teenage Wasteland, p.8). Essentially, Gaines employs sociological imagination by explaining how the death of the 4 teens is only tragic because they were treated with disrespect.

It is necessary that folks square measure able to relate the things within which they live their daily lives to the native, national, and international social group problems that have an effect on them. Without the flexibility to create these relations, individuals square measure unable to check social group problems that have an effect on them and square measure unable to work out if these problems need amendment to higher their everyday lives. According to C.Wright Mills, “the sociological imagination enables us to grasp history and biography and the relations between the two within society.” This means that people are able to enable their soul to understand the background of every individual a little bit better. In this perspective, view unemployment. At the end sociologist use social imagination to make a hypotheses of why social problems are happening. The sociological imagination point of view makes it easier for society to understand why problems become bigger, to the point that they become society problems. Without sociological imagination, society would not be able to solve their problems and people would stay their whole life alone.

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The Sociological Perspective: The Promise. (2021, Apr 21). Retrieved from