The Schools of Psychology: a Case Study Approach

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Updated: Sep 17, 2024
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Psychology has come a long way with different schools of thought that have shaped how we understand human behavior and thinking. From behaviorism to cognitive psychology, humanistic psychology, and even psychoanalysis, each one has added something unique. By looking at these through case studies, we get a clearer picture of their theories and how they work in real life. This essay will dive into three major schools: behaviorism, cognitive psychology, and humanistic psychology. We’ll use case studies to see how they’ve contributed to the field and how they help tackle psychological issues.

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Behaviorism and Its Practical Applications

Behaviorism, started by John B. Watson and later developed by B.F. Skinner, focuses on observable behavior and how the environment affects it. It suggests that all behaviors are learned through conditioning. A well-known case is Little Albert, an experiment by Watson and Rosalie Rayner. They made an infant, Albert, fear a white rat by pairing the rat with a loud, scary noise. This showed how classical conditioning works and how the environment influences behavior. Behaviorism has been used in therapy to treat phobias through systematic desensitization and to help people with developmental disorders through behavior modification programs. Even though some criticize it for being too simplistic, its focus on observable behavior and research has greatly helped develop effective therapies.

Cognitive Psychology: Understanding Mental Processes

Cognitive psychology came about because behaviorism didn’t explain everything. It looks at the mental processes behind behavior. Important figures like Jean Piaget and Ulric Neisser studied how people think, remember, and solve problems. A famous case study is Elizabeth Loftus’s work on memory. She showed how human memory can be changed by suggestive questioning, affecting eyewitness testimony. This work has big implications for the legal system, showing how unreliable eyewitness accounts can be. Cognitive psychology has also led to cognitive-behavioral therapies (CBT) that mix cognitive and behavioral techniques to treat disorders like depression and anxiety.

Humanistic Psychology: Emphasizing Personal Growth

Humanistic psychology, seen as the “third force” after behaviorism and psychoanalysis, focuses on the goodness in people and their potential for growth. Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow were key figures here, emphasizing self-actualization and free will. One key case is Rogers’ work with a client named “Gloria,” shown in a film called “Three Approaches to Psychotherapy.” Rogers used a client-centered approach with unconditional positive regard, empathy, and genuineness. This showed the importance of a supportive environment for personal growth. Humanistic psychology has influenced various therapies like existential therapy and gestalt therapy and helped develop positive psychology, which focuses on well-being and strengths.


Looking at behaviorism, cognitive psychology, and humanistic psychology through case studies shows how varied and rich these schools of thought are. Each one brings something different to our understanding of human behavior and mental processes. Behaviorism’s focus on observable behavior has led to effective interventions. Cognitive psychology’s study of mental processes has improved our understanding of memory and problem-solving, leading to cognitive-behavioral therapies. Humanistic psychology’s focus on personal growth has resulted in therapies that value empathy and individual experiences. Together, these schools of thought provide a strong framework for addressing psychological issues and promoting mental health. As psychology keeps evolving, combining the strengths of these schools will be key to advancing our knowledge and practice.

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The Schools of Psychology: A Case Study Approach. (2024, Sep 17). Retrieved from