The Renaissance Era in Europe

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The renaissance era could be described as the era of enlightenment in Europe considering the break mainly from middle age era in which various forms of the society were being established. Enlightenment era introduced a keener approach towards understanding various forms of human and social existence. Prior to this era, Europe was dominated by the emergence of kingdom and state powers in which people were trying to fit in. For instance, the era saw a significance in kingdoms based on religious beliefs such as the rise of Islam.

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At this time, people were more concerned about how they may fit in in various social provisions, and how well they could establish organizations and communities based on shared beliefs and state control. In an argument by McKay (2016) the middle age era was dominated by a population of people who were not believers in basic social aspects such as religion and human existence. This was majorly influenced by constant war and territorial conflicts. Due to this lack of a culture, kingdoms were created across large areas by which people were forced to abide by certain laws and regulations enforced by a certain person or dominant community.

However, this changed in the renaissance era as people gradually became more and more informed and enlightened about life, societies and cultures. Europe became more democratic as people became interested in learning about various social, economic and political aspects outside enforced ways of living. This could be identified in the change's cultures, art and territorial organizations. The emergence of the era depicted a huge break from the medieval society based on various aspects mainly based on religion, art and political views.

The influence on religion

Prior of this era, religion was still unexplored in regard to what people viewed to be right or wrong, and the basis of human existence. The renaissance era brought about scholars who published about different religions, and this publication stated various ways in which religion could be viewed and understood. McKay (2016) cites that Christianity became a main point of focus on most Europeans as the scholars and at the time were able to provide information about the religion that was not present in different eras. The texts existed but the inability to read from previous generations made it difficult for people to understand the content. Gradually, people became more informed about Christianity, and possibly the assumption that Christianity provided a much clear understanding on human existence. This saw the emergence of the church in which the following population increased significantly. This also saw the reduction in relevance of empires that were built on religion. For instance, the dominance of the Islamic empire gradually lost its relevance across Europe, as Christianity became more widespread which meant that Muslims lacked the size required for dominance.

The renaissance era also saw the emergence of religious texts, scribes and images that showed and explained the existence of various religious denominations. It was at this era that images representing Jesus Christ were developed and embraced by the church. In an example, Catholics incorporated the image of Mary and Jesus as main figures of the religion. Prior to this era, Christianity was not much discovered and understood which limited the ability of believers to develop an understanding of what their religion represented.

The influence of science on technology

The renaissance era saw the emergence of philosophers such Leonardo Da Vinci who was an exceptional scientist and philosopher. Through such human resources, kingdoms became more informed and understanding of the fact that there was the ability to attain more in terms of advancement. Certain aspects such as the ability by humans to fly were realized during this era. This saw the approaches by kingdoms to invest more in scientists who could increase their power in regard to making them much more battle equipped and economically stable.

Borrowing heavily from the ideas developed from ancient Greek and roman empires, more advancement was made in education, weapons for war and general machines such as automobile which were more advanced and used fuel. McKay (2016) argues that this was more influenced by the fact people became less controlled by ruling parties a change which fostered people to become more innovative. Prior to this era, the creativity and innovation by civilians was viewed as a threat to ruling parties, as most existing political states were dictatorships. The change in the style of governance increased the way in which innovation and creativity were fostered. In an instance, Leonardo Da Vinci became a consultant regarding his ability to incorporate science into weapons which created an advantage to ruling parties in instances of war.

In regards to education, formal arrangements of learning systems were realized as children were able to be created by age and ability and acquired basic forms of education. This saw the introduction of basic forms of arithmetic and informal physics. The continuation of these learning generations saw the further growth of the renaissance era. This was a huge shift from the middle age era where education was informal in regards to that children could only learn from social experiences exposed to them by day to day events.

The influence on economic and political power

Trade in Europe among kingdoms was a common event as this was the only way people could earn basic survival commodities. In the middle age era, economy was more on an individual aspect as people could survive mainly from their efforts to create ways of income such as agriculture. The renaissance era, however, saw an increased governmental support of day to day activities. Consequently, there was the emergence of currencies and it became an important economic tool as it was strengthened by the ability of kingdoms and states to carry out trade.

The rise of the currencies also increased political powers in kingdoms (McKay, 2016). Previously, leadership and state control were based on the ability by government to control the freedom ad activities of citizens. The renaissance era saw government which focused more utilizing the activities of citizens to strengthen their trade abilities. People also became more enlightened to the extent that leadership was a preference based on its ability to protect and provide a sense of sovereignty to a certain group of people.

Conclusively, the renaissance era was mainly influenced by the ability of people to become better free thinkers and influencers of laws and regulations that affected their day to day lives. It became more difficult for governments to control the free will of the people. This aspect saw the rise in the ability to embrace new views on religion, science, art and political governance. Through this form of empowerment, the renaissance era could be cited as the birth of the modern democratic societies across Europe.

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The Renaissance Era in Europe. (2019, Nov 05). Retrieved from