The Progressivism Period and Women’s Suffrage

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Updated: Mar 31, 2023
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Progressivism was the period of fighting for social justice for each individual as well as improving living conditions and fixing issues within society. It was the period of smithing the power of corporative organizations to increase democracy. Progressivism consisted of four major impulses, with antimonopoly being the most important one. Antimonopoly details how too much of a concentrated power causes fear and the need to inhibit authority as well as spread wealth evenly.

Social cohesion refers to the belief that each person in society has a role and responsibility and that the well-being of each person depends on society.

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The third progressive impulse, knowledge, emphasizes the importance of natural and social sciences in society. The use of a modernized November in society helps o improve and stabilize society. Progressivism led o the rise of a reform movement due to muckrakers exposing the corruption of railroads and corporate organizations.

Muckrakers during this era were a journalist who formed a new wave of national reform. The journalist wrote articles to inform the American people about social, political, and economic injustices. Lincoln Steffens was the most popular journalist and was a writer for the Mcclure magazine. He wrote two articles to motivate the American people to wake up and take action. The influence of muckrakers led to reformers fighting for social justice, which led to the creation of the social gospel. The social gospel was formed to make religion part of society or social reform.

The salvation army spread all over the united states, and rabies, priest, and minstrels left their work of duty to help those living in poor urban neighborhoods. Social gospel combined with reform. Another factor that led to the rise of progressivism as a reform movement was the settlement house movement. In order to solve the issue of cramped immigrant neighborhoods, settlement hosuign provided immigrants with better living conditions and educated them on the rules and regulations of the united states. I taught them how to speak English. Due to the influence of statement housing, the profession of social work is. This gave people the opportunity to train and study to become professionals within any work field.

Women’s involvement in reforms had a significant role in increasing progressivism. During this era, women were not allowed to vote, and women lived in a society where they were not treated equally. Elizabeth Cady Stanton was a spokesperson for women’s rights and tried to change the social norms of women imposed by society. The National American Women’s Suffrage Association, managed by Carrie Chapman Catt g gave women the opportunity to vote, and the temperance movement gave women a say in politics. Women were granted voting rights in every state in America because they won the ratification of the 19th amendment.

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The Progressivism Period and Women's Suffrage. (2023, Mar 25). Retrieved from