The most Dangerous Game – Computer?

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We live in a moment of introduction and development of technology and industry, as each part of our life depends on it. Technology impacts our daily life through amusement, training, relationships, and lifestyle (Sanjamsai & Phukao, 2018). Another huge technological advance was the advent of computer games. While the game is always amusing, with the introduction of the computer, games have become one of the most important recreational instruments for the youth (Ayas, 2012). The computer game is a game that runs with the help of computer programs.

A computer game consists of three portions: players who want to participate in this game, principles which determine the restrictions and the features of the game, and goals which lead to competition between players (Smed and Hakonen ,2003).

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Playing is important for teenagers because it can prepare them for the future. According to anthropological studies, play is a manner of understanding the world and culture (Eskasasnanda, 2017). Recently, research on computer games in adolescents has become particularly important.

A study by Sherry et al (2001, cited from Agarwal, Sangerand , Luqman, 2017), surveying the reasons for playing video and computer games by adolescents, conducted on 535 adolescents aged 15-20 in the West USA, showed that 68 percent of teens had these games as their weekly amusement. In the past, children were involved in playing with other kids, but today, children spend most of their time on computer games. While these games may not create any emotional and human relationships for them (Zamani, Chashmi & Hedayati, 2009), studies show that the use of computer games plays an important role in the individuals' visual motor co-ordination and cognitive function, and their application does not only have negative effects, but also can provide very educational opportunities.

They also have an important impact on the growth of certain attention and spatial concentration skills. They increase precision and reaction capacity as well as improve problem-solving and decision-making skills (Escofet Roig & RubioHurtado, 2004). In the context of psychological pathology, Gary, with the design of the theory of brain-behavioural systems, considers disturbances reflected among one of these systems. He suggested three different brain-behavioural systems for the Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory (RST) that show personal differences: the Behavioural Inhibition System (BIS), the Behavioural Activation System (BAS), and the Fight-flight System (Hundt, Kimbrel, Mitchell, Nelson-Gray, 2008). He related individuals' responses to environmental stimuli both to the behavioural inhibition and activation systems which are evaluated based on neurology: BAS is responsible for activation behaviours in response to rewards (positive affect), and BIS is responsible for inhibitory behaviours in response to threats and punishments (negative affect) (Komasi, Saeidi, Soroush, Zakiei, 2016).

Davidson argued that the difference in response sensitivity BIS/BAS creates different effective styles (RongNam, Lee, Lee, Choi, Chung, et al., 2018). According to this concept, several studies have examined the relationship between BIS/BAS and addiction. Despite contradictory results, high levels of BAS and low levels of BIS are predictive of pathological activities in compulsive behaviors such as substance abuse, alcohol abuse, drug abuse, and pathological gambling (Rongnam et al., 2018). Park et al. (2013) also show that BIS and BAS interdependently influence vulnerability to Internet addiction through both shared (anxiety) and different (depression and impulsivity, respectively) pathways.

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The Most Dangerous Game - Computer?. (2022, Nov 16). Retrieved from