An Analysis of the Ones who Walk Away from Omelas

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Updated: Nov 30, 2023
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An Analysis of the Ones who Walk Away from Omelas

This essay offers an in-depth analysis of Ursula K. Le Guin’s short story “The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas.” It will discuss the story’s exploration of utopia, morality, and the cost of happiness. The piece will delve into the philosophical and ethical dilemmas presented in the story, examining the implications of the societal choice depicted. The objective is to provide a critical interpretation of Le Guin’s narrative and its relevance to contemporary discussions on ethics and societal norms. At PapersOwl, you’ll also come across free essay samples that pertain to The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas.

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The Flawed Utopia: Omelas

“The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas” is an interesting short story by Ursula K. Le Guin that peers into the melancholy depths of a small town harbouring a terrible secret. Le Guin, employing a captivating strategy, has crafted this story in such a manner that its interpretation largely depends on the reader, not merely the text. It is the reader’s distinct perspective on life and the world at large that shapes the imagery they conjure whilst reading this narrative.

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The citizens of Omelas are referred to as “they” while everyone who does not reside in Omelas is alluded to as “we”, emphatically underlining that “they” are distinct from “us”. This narrative choice, deployed early in the story, fosters a palpable sense of discrepancy between the reader and the inhabitants of Omelas. They are universes apart. Le Guin’s creative ingenuity shines when she toys with the readers’ imagination, seeding ideas then abruptly retracting them. A potent example of this was when she dangled the image of a King, astride a majestic stallion and encircled by his cavalry, only to refute his very existence in the subsequent line. This literary tactic leaves the reader painting mental pictures, only to discard them repeatedly. This style is intriguing as it retains the reader’s interest and keeps them inquisitive, constantly anticipating the next crumb of information.

Le Guin wields a potent line that elicits consideration about societal norms and values. The author states, “Only pain is intellectual, only evil interesting (889)”. This declaration glaringly mirrors the schism of society, where people often find fascination in events of evil and suffering. It is reflected in the way we consume the news, which predominantly features the horrendous incidents that occurred globally because we, as a society, find such events interesting. For example, during the World Trade Center bombing, the sheer volume of coverage underscored the collective fascination with this act of terror. Society often uses instances of pain and horror to contextualize their own lives and seek happiness. Without encountering some form of pain, how could one discern true happiness? We often compare our lives with the suffering of others to derive contentment. This propensity to find solace in others’ pain at times appears disturbing, yet it enhances the ability to appreciate the absence of personal suffering. In an additional layer of complexity, the tormented child is utilized by the citizens as a reflective object. He endures a grim existence while the townspeople look upon him without ever attempting to salvage him from his harrowing life. Some mount the argument that the child serves as a bulwark, protecting the citizens of Omelas from evil. If Omelas remains so detachedly alien, and no one dares to mention the isolated boy in the closet, then one wonders who is recounting the tale. Even those who depart from Omelas are reportedly reticent to speak of the boy. The most plausible explanation points to the narrator, presumably someone who once visited Omelas and encountered the boy. It’s assumable that the narrator might have visited the city via train to attend their renowned fair. Only a first-hand experience can account for his intimate knowledge of the child’s living conditions and the emotional climate of the townspeople.

Why is the boy kept alone in the closet? There is no concrete evidence to answer this question, so I believe that Le Guin leaves this open to the reader. One may assume that the townspeople could be ashamed for others to see him, but visitors only enter Omelas during the fair. The boy is locked up all year long; therefore, this can’t be the reason. Perhaps the town is scared of the boy. If so, why do so many people visit him regularly? The reason that seems to make the most sense is that he is serving the city as an observation piece. By keeping the boy locked up in such terrible conditions, especially when he could be taken out and cleaned, it supports the idea that the boy is being sacrificed. Others may then observe his misery, which might lead them to find happiness in their own lives.

Why do people walk away from Omelas? It is strange that these individuals leave Omelas without informing anyone about their destination or their reasons for leaving. They depart in a manner suggesting they are fleeing from something, and they do so without any apparent planning. It appears they are leaving due to unhappiness or dissatisfaction with life in Omelas. Perhaps they can’t bear the guilt or sorrow stemming from watching an innocent boy suffer for their happiness or personal benefits. They might have realized their lives are incomplete as long as they benefit from the suffering of an innocent, sick child.

Le Guin’s story is teeming with detail and wonder. She allows the reader’s mind to grapple with numerous possibilities within the story. There are no hard facts in the tale, but rather an endless array of interpretation possibilities. This aspect makes the story a delight to read and discuss with others.

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An Analysis of the Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas. (2022, Nov 16). Retrieved from