The Modification of Altruism in Science

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Martin Luther King Jr., an activist during the Civil rights movement, states, “Every man must decide whether he will walk in the light of creative altruism or in the darkness of destructive selfishness” (King Jr.). King discusses the concept of “altruism” compared to selfishness in the quote. These antonyms aid in the understanding of the definition. The concept can be defined as, “unselfish regard for or devotion to the welfare of others” (Altruism).

The definition has been modified through the decades.

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This change has been acquired through deviations in data collection. Scientists analyzed these results allowing for a new understanding of “altruism.” The concept of altruism has progressed over the years allowing it to be applied to all organisms rather than focused on human behavior. Such a shift allowed for a change in the way behavioral research for animals and humans is understood.

The definition of altruism has evolved over time to allow for thorough comprehension of the concept. The word altruism is derived from the French word autrui, meaning “other people” which comes from the Old French word autre, meaning “other.” The French variations of the term came originally from the Latin word alter. Through the influence of the Latin alter, the French autrui influenced altrui- which gave rise to the current English word altruism (Merriam-Webster).

The etymology for altruism allows for a more thorough understanding on the definitions progression over the decades.  “Altruism” was originally viewed as only applicable to humans because of the complex thought processes needed to accomplish such a task (Brethel-Haurwitz). Anthropodenial the philosophy of denying that humans and animals share many abilities and traits was proven wrong through qualitative data collected from animals (Brethel-Haurwitz).

The data collected aided in allowing “altruism” to apply to all organisms. As more research was conducted, William D. Hamilton developed the theory of Kin Selection (West). Kin Selection broadened the concept of “altruism” by giving an understanding for the behavior between relatives (West). Altruism commonly occured between relatives rather than outsiders. Altruism was viewed as a way to help relatives reproduce allowing for the passage of genes (West).

Kin Selection was further analyzed and there were many deviations from the notion of passing on genes. Research shows animals exhibited more altruistic behaviors towards outsiders rather than just kin. Stuart A. West, Andy Gardner and Ashleigh S. Griffin all give more understanding as to why altruistic behavior perplexes scientists by writing, “individual carry out a costly behaviour that benefits other individuals?

This seems to go completely against the Darwinian idea of ‘survival of the fittest'” (West). Scientists considered altruism a more concrete concept, used for “survival of the fittest.” A reevaluation of the concept demonstrates how the definition and understanding of the concept developed through time. This change has allowed for stronger research into animal behaviors.

The concept of “altruism” has evolved overtime and allowed for more research into many organisms, but change has also allowed for more understanding into altruistic behaviors in humans. Many behaviors humans demonstrate are for one purpose, survival. Altruistic behaviors are viewed as selfish. This view has been challenged through research. Research data shows that a human’s first impulse is to cooperate rather than compete with others individuals (Altruism Definition).

This impulse demonstrates a more group mentality which is a necessity for survival. Greater Good Magazine discusses how altruism is necessary for survival in the quote, “Evolutionary scientists speculate that altruism has such deep roots in human nature because helping and cooperation promote the survival of our species” (Altruism Definition). The use of “altruism” in human nature allows for a higher chance in survival. Survivalist behavior is necessary for better research into altruistic behaviors. As the definition of altruism has evolved so has the research into altruistic behavior in humans allowing for thorough comprehension.

“Altruism” has been observed for ages in humans, yet many scientists now applying this concept to animal behavioral research for more thorough research. As the application of “altruism” in animal researched progressed many scientists gained more understanding into animal behavior. Scientists have scrutinized animal behavior to understand why animals exhibit altruistic behavior. Sadie F. Dingfelder writes about this scrutinizing of animal altruism in the quote, “like most examples of animal altruism, the apparently selfless act had selfish benefits” (Dingfelder).

Animal altruism although seen as selfless allows the gain of selfish benefits. Although selfish behavior is viewed as the sole cause of altruistic behavior, it is not to blame because there are many other aspects to consider. An example of altruistic behavior that is not created from a selfish benefit is shown in a humpback whale rescuing a seal from a pod of killer whales (Dingfelder). This feat was accomplished by the killer whale rolling to its back and using its flipper to push the stunned seal up on to its stomach. The confused seal to rest before it swam off to safety.

This behavior has been recorded over 70 times demonstrating the action was not merely an aberrant behavior (Dingfelder). Ecologists were confused by the unique behavior because there was no reward from saving the seal. Scientists deduced the behavior exhibited could have been a show for the seal to return a favor later (Dingfelder). The application of “altruism” in an animal’s behavior has led to many new discoveries for understanding the concept.

“Altruism” has been a topic of great research over the decades. Many believed altruism could only be applicable to human behavior, but the behavior has been seen in animal behavior. Altruistic behavior in an animal has caused for a stronger understanding of animal interacts. The concept of “altruism” has allowed for a greater understanding into the world around us.

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The Modification of Altruism in Science. (2019, May 10). Retrieved from