The Major Trigger for the American Revolution

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The French-Indian War was the major trigger for the American Revolution for independence also referred to as the Seven Years War’, the conflict was between France and Great Britain with both countries believing they were the inhibitors of Ohio River Valley. Subsequent to the seven years of disputes and fights over the ownership, Britain won and took victory over the land (Thompson, 2017). Over the next 15 years, the French government yearned for revenge and recovery of its former colonies. On the other hand, the British had accumulated a lot of debt from the war, and with the new territories, it entailed new obligations and costs in administration, defense and settlement management.

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As a result, the colonies were forced to pay Britain’s debts which pressed the colonies beyond limits, leading them to a Revolution War. In a time of war where one side has a clear strong military, the opposing actor must seek outer support in order to have a fair competition. (Paul Hancock, 2012). The Americans were disadvantaged both military wise and logistically. Military wise as they could not match the Royal Navy which was arguably the world best and logistically as they had no capacity or capability of producing large quantities of ammunition, gunpowder, and arms (Alden, 1969). Since the American leaders had initially recognized the French as potential allies, they believed they could persuade the French for support to increase their success chance (Hutson, 2014). The French-American ally

The first three years of the Revolution War of America, dozens of French military traveled to America as volunteers. Their motives were however varied with some inspired by the revolution of America, younger soldiers craving for a battle taste, and a majority of experienced soldiers longing for payback against the British. One of the famous volunteers was Marquis de Lafayette, son of a colonel killed by the British in battle. Lafayette ignored his superiors order and set sail to America in 1777, where he had a governorship promise despite his young age. By the late 1777 Lafayette was working as George Washington aide who was then the American Continental army commander in chief. Lafayette thirst for revenge acquitted his battle skills and he rose to become a division commander (Thompson, 2017). Between 1776 and 1777 the French resisted the American call for assistance to declare war on Britain. The French government reluctance was however understandable as much of its navy was reequipping, its treasury had limited funds and the American victory prospect was unclear (Alden, 1969). However, the triumph of America at the Saratoga battle in October 1777 became the turning point for the war as it swayed the French king to commit further (Luzader, 2010). In February 1778 France and America signed a military alliance and declared war on Britain. The first two alliance years the French military contribution was limited to navy support which was very crucial as it negated the British sea dominance. However, by the year 1780 large numbers of French troops had landed in America which played a major role in the siege of Yorktown marking the main battle of the American Revolution war (Simms, 2008) French achievement Apart from the long thirsted war revenge on the British, France gained very little politically from its involvement in the American Revolution. The French government had hoped to regain its former colonial territory in America but the American leaders outsmarted them and initiated secret negotiations with the British government before the treaty negotiations started. As a result, the French government only gain from the America Revolution was the Caribbean island of Tobago and Senegal in western Africa (Foner, 2008) Financially the French involvement in the American revolution exceeded one billion livres leaving its treasury with a bigger interest burden.

Ideologically, the French elites welcomed the Revolution of America as an enlightenment victory over historical world despotism as the American spirit filled their clubs and salons and many praised men like Washington and Lafayette as champions of modern order that was emerging. (Simms, 2008) Conclusion The French were waiting for an opportunity to intrude the British affairs and extend their revenge since the end of the Seven Year War, an opportunity had presented itself with the American revolution. The French intervention was well organized and most pronounced war strategy, its operational transition strategy gave France an opportunity to take advantage of the British vulnerability. The British failed to develop background intelligence during the period of steady growth between the seven-year war period and the start of civil war left them with no understanding of rebellion. The insurgency emergence and evolvement of the American strategy took the British by surprise as the British had refuted their request of parliamentary representation, shifting their objective to independence with the help of the French. By the end of the war, Britain lost the American colonies but maintained a strategy victory as they ended up as United States of America trading partners. France, on the other hand, was bankrupt as a result of the war cost. While the French intervention was a great threat to the British, the American War demonstrated a nature of continuous strategy and despite the loss of the American colonies, the British emerged in a position that was advantageous than the French.

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The major trigger for the American Revolution. (2019, Sep 06). Retrieved from