The Life and Legacy of Angel Castro Y Argiz

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Updated: Sep 17, 2024
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Angel Castro Y Argiz is a name that pops up a lot in Cuban history. This isn’t just because of what he did, but also because he’s the dad of Fidel and Raúl Castro, two big political figures in Latin America. Born in Spain, Angel later moved to Cuba. His life is full of hard work, business smarts, and the ups and downs of Cuban society before and after colonial times. This essay looks at Angel’s life, his move to Cuba, his work, and the impact he had on his kids.

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By digging into his story, we can understand more about the factors that shaped his sons’ revolutionary ideas.

Early Life and Immigration

Angel Castro was born in 1875 in a small village called Lancara in Lugo, Spain. He grew up in a humble farming family. Life in rural Spain in the late 1800s was tough, so like many others, Angel looked for better chances abroad. In 1895, he moved to Cuba, which was still a Spanish colony on the verge of its independence war. His move was part of a bigger wave of Spanish settlers heading to the Caribbean for better economic opportunities.

When he first got to Cuba, Angel worked as a laborer. But pretty soon, his entrepreneurial spirit kicked in. He started his own business ventures, beginning with small-scale farming and eventually getting into large-scale sugar cane farming. His success showed his hard work and determination—traits that his kids would later show in their revolutionary efforts.

Economic Activities and Social Standing

Angel’s main work was in agriculture and the sugar industry, which was a big part of Cuba’s economy back then. He got a lot of land in the Oriente province and became a notable landowner and employer. His business skills helped him deal with the tricky Cuban economy, which was tied up with American interests and leftovers from Spanish rule.

But his rise wasn’t without problems. Some reports say his labor practices were pretty harsh. He was known to exploit Haitian and Jamaican workers, which was common among landowners at that time. This part of his life is key to understanding the conditions that influenced the Castro brothers. Seeing this exploitation and the big gaps between classes on their father’s plantations probably fueled their revolutionary ideas.

Family Life and Influence on Fidel and Raúl Castro

Angel married Lina Ruz González, and they had seven kids, including Fidel and Raúl. Even though he was busy with work, Angel was strict at home, teaching his kids duty and resilience. The family’s relative wealth allowed the Castro kids to get a good education, which shaped their views on the world.

Fidel and Raúl saw the inequalities and injustices in Cuban society, which clashed with their own privileged life. Angel’s success might have first inspired them to aim for personal success, but the unfairness they saw made them want to change the system instead. This mix of privilege and exposure to exploitation was a big part of their revolutionary drive.

Legacy and Historical Significance

Angel Castro died in 1956, just three years before his sons led the Cuban Revolution to victory. His legacy is complicated—marked by his business success but also by the controversial ways he achieved it. While he might not have directly shaped Fidel and Raúl’s political ideas, the environment he created surely influenced their revolutionary paths.

In history, Angel often represents the old guard—the entrenched socio-economic structures the Cuban Revolution wanted to break down. His story gives valuable insights into early 20th-century Cuba, helping us understand the revolutionary fervor that rose in mid-century.


Angel Castro Y Argiz’s life tells a gripping story of immigration, hard work, and the quest for economic success. His journey from a small Spanish village to becoming a big Cuban landowner shows both the potential and pitfalls of the immigrant experience. Even though his legacy includes exploitation, it also sets the stage for understanding the revolutionary ideas of his sons, Fidel and Raúl Castro. By looking at Angel’s life, we get a better grasp of the socio-economic conditions that led to one of the most important political changes in Latin American history.

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The Life and Legacy of Angel Castro Y Argiz. (2024, Sep 17). Retrieved from