The is Slavery Examples

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Meaning he rejected the dehumanization of Africans and he believed slavery and Christianity were inconsistent with each other. Woolman’s essay, “Some Considerations on the Keeping of Negroes,” helped to spread his thoughts. The essay used religion to protest slavery. The essay does not directly target the plantation owners; rather the essay focuses on equality between all. Equality! In 1754, he stated that white colonists and negroes were equal; he said we are of one blood, the same species, a single brotherhood, similar in frailties and disorders, like in our temptations, same in death, and same in judgment before the Lord.

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He preached highly controversial beliefs. His essay is particularly remarkable because he seems to acknowledge both the weakness of Abraham (praised by slave owners as a Biblical slave owner) and the wisdom of Paul.

Woolman, after summoning the name of Abraham, writes, “Some evidences of the Divine wisdom appear in those things, in that such who are intended for high stations, have first been very low and dejected, that Truth might be sealed on their hearts; and that the characters there imprinted by bitterness and adversity, might in after years remain, suggesting compassionate ideas, and in their prosperity, quicken their regard to those in the like condition.” Woolman acknowledges that Divine wisdom (the wisdom necessary to reject slavery) does not always appear on its own; it is a product of effort and experience.

Abraham was not born divinely wise, he grew into a wiseman. Logically, Woolman would argue that Abraham was unwise in his ownership of slaves, but time and energy would have cured him of that evil. Effort and experience is precisely the lesson Paul taught to the Corinthians. Paul wrote of being alert, Woolman wrote that man must, “carefully inspect their ways.” Paul wrote of standing firm in faith, Woolman wrote that unfaithfulness of the mind is, “alienated from its true and real happiness.” Paul wrote of courage again temptation, while Woolman wrote of exercising righteousness. Finally, Paul wrote of strength and Woolman wrote of prevailing in the face of bitterness and adversity. The two spoke of the expectations of God and acting morally when facing the difficulties of life.

Richard Allen The abolitionist, activist, minister, educator, and writer led many to change their minds when it came to the acceptability of slavery. Allen was born into slavery; he did not just witness it, he lived through it At the age of 17, he chose to convert after hearing a Methodist preacher talk against slavery. He was permitted to serve as a Methodist preacher at the age of 22, but he was still a slave. Allen had to wait until the age of 26 before he could buy his own freedom. His master had also converted and agreed free Allen, but at a cost, Allen had to literally pay for himself. Allen accepted a position with the African Methodist Episcopal Church. His sermons and writings gained popularity and he was a respected member of the abolitionist community. One writing of his is particularly notable because it exposed prejudice, praised abolitionists, and buoyed the morale of the black community (free and enslaved).

In 1793, a yellow fever epidemic struck the city of Philadelphia. It resulted in over 5000 deaths. Allen was aged 33; he was a free man and a minister. Published reports circulated that the black community was profiting off of the epidemic and the allegations enraged Allen. Allen authored a detailed defense against the deceptive claims and “censorious epithets.” He revealed that city officials had asked the black community for help in taking care of the sick and in disposing of the dead. He provided specific examples and selflessness and sacrifice. Then, he rallied supporters with powerful words that were reminiscent of Paul’s. Paul instructs the Corinthians to be on their guard and stay alert. Allen wrote to his followers, “much depends upon us for the help of our colour more than many are aware; if we are lazy and idle, the enemies of freedom plead it as a cause why we ought not to be free.”

Paul wants believers to stand firm in their faith. Allen reminds his listeners that, “a patient waiting was necessary.” Paul spoke of courage, Allen followed with these words, “that your hearts may not sink at the discouraging prospects you may have, and that you may put your trust in God.” Finally, Paul preaches of strength, and Allen agrees, “you will be admitted to the freedom which God hath prepared for those of all colours that love him; here the power of the most cruel master ends, and all the sorrow and tears are wiped away.” Both Paul and Allen wanted followers to have faith, to stand steadfast against doubts and attacks, and to trust in the love of God who favors his children. Rebellious Individuals Many individuals used religion to help them keep strength.

They used religion to stand firm in their faith and to preach their beliefs. Some individuals believed they had religious visions. Nat Turner believed he had prophetic visions commanding him to gain his freedom through rebellion. Denmark Vesey, an individual of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, preached to others in hope for a rebellion. His thoughts were based upon ideas from the Old Testament. He told individuals that they were the New Israelites and those holding them would be punished by God. His words spread fast and words of rebellion arose; however the rebellion failed due to individuals telling their masters of the plan. The words got out to plantation owners which led to the capture and later death of Vesey. Rebellion is a difficult and complex concept. Adding the issue of slavery to the idea of rebellion makes it even more volatile of a subject.

Religion adds one more level of complexity. Religion (and God’s will) has the ability to influence justifications for both slavery and abolition. Connection: America is the land of the free and home of the brave. Religion had a role in justifying the dreadful institution, but it also had a role in the abolition movement. Many slaves converted to Christianity when they came to United States following the religion of their owners. Faith helped individuals stay strong and continue on with their lives. A belief in a God helped some continue to dream of a day when they would be free due to the kindness of their masters. Others believed a close relationship would encourage masters to let their guards down leading to an opening for a rebellion. Plantation owners had their purposes for their continuation in the usage of the enslaved. Individuals would use examples from the Bible to justify their actions, while those who were opposed distinguished the passages.

Upon reflection, religion had a greater role with abolitionists because the oppression, opposition, and threats faced by slaves were similar to those faced by early Christians. One example of religion impacting anti-slavery writers comes from Paul when he attempted to inspire worshippers at Corinth. His words carried meaning centuries later. Those with the ability to speak freely did just so. They used religion in their voices and writings to encourage emancipation. Those who did not have their freedoms worked from the inside to help unveil their owner’s flaws. Even with little prospect for freedom, those who were enslaved kept their faith. Religion gave people faith and hope for the future. Everyone looking for the emancipation of the enslaved had to continue to believe.

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The Is Slavery Examples. (2022, Feb 10). Retrieved from