The Horrible Experiences of Katrina Marino and Denise Scott of the 9/11 Tragedy

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9/11 is a day to remember for everyone. First responders, civilians, and government officials responded immediately to this tragic event. This horrible tragedy, on September 11, 2001, affected millions around the world, including the loss of loved ones and the fact that the United States had just been attacked. Katrina Marino and Denise Scott both lost loved ones in the 9/11 attacks.

Katrina and her three kids were on their way to Manhattan for her youngest child’s modeling gig when they heard fire trucks and learned that a plane had just hit the World Trade Center (Pelletiere, Par.

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6). Katrina’s husband, Kenny Marino, was a firefighter for New York, and his body was never found (Pelletiere, Par. 8).

Denise’s husband, Randy Scott, was on Flight 175, which hit the South tower at about the 84th floor. Denise thought he had died without suffering, but they later found a note that Randy Scott had written, saying, “84th floor west office 12 people trapped” (Todd, Par 5). Katrina keeps her husband’s firefighter helmet on display in a cabinet to remind her that he did everything he could to save others lives before his own (Pelletiere, Par. 13). Randy’s best friend, Steve Emst, thinks he knows what happened.

“He actually literally broke a window, probably with a desk,” Ernst said, “That’s how they found that it was his note; his bloody thumbprint was on the corner of the letter” (Todd, Par. 11). The note that Randy Scott had written is now displayed at the 9/11 memorial (Todd, Par. 14). Denise struggled with telling her three daughters about the note they had found; she waited until her youngest daughter was out of college to tell them about the note (Todd, Par. 18-19). Katrina has not remarried since this catastrophic event; she is going back to college to get her degree and raising her kids (Pelletiere, Par. 12). Katrina plans to move back to New York one day because it holds a special place in her heart (Pelletiere, Par. 12). These two different perspectives are similar in many ways but also very different. Both Katrina and Denise lost their husbands, but while Randy was on the plane, Kenny was a firefighter. They found parts of Randy’s body and a note that led back to him, but Kenny was never found.

After 10 years, the fights between Democrats and Republicans have changed significantly. Instead of discussing what’s happening in our country, the government has an agenda that revolves around the war on terrorism and concerning other countries as well. This view of a terrorist threat is believed by many to have created an astounding amount of national debt and could be the cause of the recession. While 9/11 brought the country together initially, a decade later, it’s two sides arguing back and forth with each other. The 9/11 terrorist attacks were terrible.

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The Horrible Experiences of Katrina Marino and Denise Scott of the 9/11 Tragedy. (2022, Nov 14). Retrieved from