Death and Symbolism in Lord of the Flies

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Updated: Dec 05, 2024
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Death and Symbolism in Lord of the Flies

This essay delves into the heart-wrenching chapter of Simon’s death in William Golding’s “Lord of the Flies,” specifically in Chapter 9 titled “A View to a Death.” It’s not just a recount of the events leading to this pivotal moment but a deep dive into its symbolism and the dark revelation of human nature it brings to the forefront. The essay paints a vivid picture of the chaotic scene where Simon, the moral compass of the story, meets his tragic end at the hands of his peers. It emphasizes the spontaneous and collective nature of this act, showcasing Golding’s commentary on how quickly civilized behavior can dissolve into savagery. The essay further explores the implications of this event on the novel’s narrative, highlighting how Simon’s death marks a turning point where any remaining semblance of order and decency is shattered, revealing the fragility of societal norms and the ease with which they can be discarded. In essence, it’s an exploration of one of the novel’s darkest moments, offering insights into the themes of inherent human evil and the loss of innocence. PapersOwl offers a variety of free essay examples on the topic of Lord Of The Flies.

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How it works

William Golding’s “Lord of the Flies” is a profound exploration of the human psyche, particularly its darker facets when unshackled from societal norms. One of the most harrowing moments in this narrative unfolds in Chapter 9, aptly titled “A View to a Death.” Here, the tragic demise of Simon serves not only as a pivotal plot point but as a powerful commentary on the inherent savagery lurking within human nature. This essay delves into this critical chapter, examining how Simon's death underscores the fragility of civilization and the ease with which humanity can descend into barbarism when unmoored from the constraints of society.

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The Storm and the Dance

The scene is set against the backdrop of a tumultuous storm, a metaphor for the brewing chaos among the boys. The weather mirrors their inner turmoil, as they engage in a frenzied tribal dance that obliterates any semblance of order or civility. This dance, a ritualistic manifestation of their collective hysteria, symbolizes their descent into primal instincts. The storm not only amplifies the physical chaos but also reflects the psychological tempest within each boy, blurring the line between humanity and savagery.

Enter Simon, emerging from the forest, weakened and bearing the revelation that the 'beast' they fear is not an external monster but resides within them. Tragically, in their hysteria, the boys fail to recognize Simon as one of their own. Instead, he becomes an embodiment of their fear, a shadow mistaken for the very beast he seeks to dispel. This misidentification highlights how fear and ignorance can cloud judgment, leading to catastrophic consequences.

Simon’s Death

Simon’s death is not a premeditated act of violence but rather a spontaneous eruption of mob mentality. This unplanned brutality serves as a grim reminder of how quickly civilized behavior can unravel. Golding uses this moment to illustrate that the veneer of civilization is perilously thin. When stripped away, the innate savagery of human nature can surface with alarming speed. Simon, often seen as a Christ-like figure due to his moral compass and sacrificial death, represents the voice of reason and truth. His murder is emblematic of the fate that often befalls those who challenge the status quo or reveal uncomfortable truths.

This scene is a mirror reflecting the darker side of humanity, suggesting that the beast lies within each of us. It is Golding’s stark assertion that without the structures of society to guide us, the descent into chaos and barbarism is not only possible but probable. Simon’s demise is a wake-up call, urging readers to acknowledge and confront the potential for darkness within themselves.

The Aftermath

In the aftermath of Simon’s death, the island’s fragile social order disintegrates entirely. The boys have crossed an irrevocable line, morphing from innocent children into embodiments of unchecked power and fear. The narrative shifts focus from mere survival to a grim exploration of power dynamics and the inherent darkness within human nature. This transition marks the point where “Lord of the Flies” transcends its initial premise of boys stranded on an island and becomes a broader allegorical tale about humanity itself.

The chapter’s impact is profound, leaving readers to ponder the essence of human nature and the ease with which it can be corrupted. Simon’s death is not merely a plot device but a critical commentary on the human condition. It challenges readers to reflect on their own lives and the societal structures that maintain order, prompting introspection about what it truly means to be human.


In conclusion, Chapter 9 of “Lord of the Flies” is a crucial turning point in the narrative, transforming the story into a chilling exploration of the darkness within the human soul. Simon’s death serves as a powerful allegory for the fragility of civilization and the inherent savagery that lies beneath the surface of humanity. Golding’s message is clear: the beast is not an external threat but an internal one, lurking within each of us. This chapter forces readers to confront the uncomfortable truth about human nature and the ease with which it can be corrupted when unrestrained by societal norms. Ultimately, Simon’s tragic demise is both a cautionary tale and a profound exploration of what it means to be human, urging us to recognize and tame the beast within.

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Death and Symbolism in Lord of the Flies. (2023, Dec 28). Retrieved from