The Evolution and Significance of the Army SHARP Initiative

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Updated: Oct 16, 2023
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The U.S. Army is a massive and historically important organization, thus it is crucial that its personnel be treated with respect and cared for at all times. However, it encounters difficulties, like any other huge company, particularly in the areas of sexual harassment and assault. The Army has developed a program called SHARP (Sexual Assault Response and Prevention) to address this issue. The goal of this effort is not only to fix these problems when they crop up, but also to stop them from developing in the first place.

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The creation of SHARP marked a turning point in Army history. The military’s treatment of sexual assault and harassment claims before the policy was put in place varied widely. In order to eradicate these transgressions from inside the ranks, the Army developed the SHARP program after seeing the necessity for a systematic strategy that engendered confidence and produced successful outcomes.

SHARP was founded on the principle of encouraging a respectful environment in the workplace. The program’s stated goal is to promote the Army’s defining principles, which include treating all people with respect and decency regardless of their position or rank. The Army hopes that by instituting such a policy, it would be able to significantly decrease incidents of harassment and violence, allowing its members to keep their attention where it belongs: on protecting and serving the country.

SHARP is exceptional because it takes a two-pronged approach, focusing both on reaction and prevention. When an issue does happen, the reaction part makes sure it’s handled quickly, effectively, and sensitively. Taking care of victims, protecting them, and punishing those responsible all fall under this category. The true aim of this cultural transformation is in the area of prevention. The Army strives to educate its members about the risks and repercussions of sexual harassment and assault, as well as the value of bystander intervention, via ongoing training, education, and awareness programs.

Despite the fact that SHARP is a great improvement, putting it into practice hasn’t been easy. Skepticism, opposition, and even reaction have been expressed by some, as is to be expected with any endeavor of this scale. It has been argued that the program is not aggressive enough and may not be accomplishing enough. However, it’s important to keep in mind that institutional changes, such as those involving the Army’s hierarchical structure, take time.

It’s worth noting that SHARP has the unwavering support of the Army’s upper echelons, who regularly assess the program’s performance and make improvements as needed. Their commitment shows that the Army cares about the welfare of every service member and won’t stand for wrongdoing.

In addition, SHARP’s influence goes well beyond the Army. The military has the power to shape cultural norms by serving as a model for the rest of society. Unfortunately, sexual harassment and assault are still persistent problems that may be mitigated in large part through programs like SHARP.

In conclusion, the Army’s SHARP program is a major step forward in tackling the systemic problems of sexual harassment and assault. It will be a long and difficult road to solve these issues forever, but the efforts made so far via this project are admirable. The United States Army is committed to fostering an environment where all service members are treated with dignity and respect and where they may do their duties without fear of harassment or abuse.

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The Evolution and Significance of the Army SHARP Initiative. (2023, Oct 16). Retrieved from