The Innate Evil in Lord of the Flies

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Updated: Dec 08, 2024
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Primal fears awaken dark hearts as Golding's stranded boys descend into chaos. This gripping tale explores the dark side of human nature, revealing how fear can manipulate and transform individuals. The boys' fear of the mysterious "beast," their anxiety about not being rescued, and their eventual fear of each other catalyze a descent into chaos and violence. Golding's narrative serves as a powerful allegory for the intrinsic evil within humanity and the fragile veneer of civilization.

Manifestations of the Beast

The concept of the "beast" in "Lord of the Flies" evolves throughout the story, mirroring the boys' gradual descent into savagery and madness.

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Initially, the beast is imagined as a snake lurking in the shadows, a symbol of the hidden evil waiting to strike. This imagery evokes the biblical serpent from the Garden of Eden, representing temptation and sin. As the boys' isolation and fear intensify, the beast transforms into the corpse of a dead parachutist. This shift underscores the idea that the true beast resides within humans themselves. Simon, a Christ-like figure in the novel, recognizes this internal evil, realizing that the beast is a manifestation of humanity's darker instincts. Unfortunately, like Jesus, Simon is tragically sacrificed by his peers in their frenzy, illustrating how society often destroys those who seek to reveal uncomfortable truths.

Fear as a Catalyst for Evil

Fear permeates the island, driving the boys to commit heinous acts. Initially, their fear of not being rescued leads them to prioritize maintaining a signal fire. However, as hope dwindles, their focus shifts towards forming a new society. Jack's suggestion to hunt for survival becomes a turning point, as fear morphs into ambition and jealousy. Jack's fear of losing control to Ralph fuels his desire for power, resulting in a violent struggle for dominance. This internal conflict among the boys parallels the global tensions of World War II, highlighting how fear can lead to destructive behavior on both individual and societal levels. The death of Piggy at Roger's hands symbolizes the collapse of rationality and morality, as fear and evil consume the boys, reflecting the chaos of the world beyond the island.

The Illusion of Salvation

The arrival of a naval officer at the novel's conclusion brings a momentary sense of relief, as the boys are rescued from their self-imposed nightmare. However, this rescue does not erase the darkness that has been unleashed within them. The officer, perceived as an angelic figure, represents an external authority that temporarily halts their descent into madness. Yet, the officer himself is a participant in the larger conflict of World War II, suggesting that the evil the boys exhibited is not confined to the island but is a pervasive element of human nature. The officer's lack of surprise at the deaths on the island reflects society's desensitization to violence and the acceptance of evil as a part of human existence.


In "Lord of the Flies," William Golding masterfully examines the theme of innate evil within humanity. Through the evolving symbol of the beast, the destructive power of fear, and the illusion of salvation, Golding reveals the fragility of civilization and the darkness that lies beneath its surface. The novel serves as a poignant reminder of the potential for evil in all of us, urging readers to confront the uncomfortable truths about human nature. In the end, Golding's tale is not just a story of boys on an island but a reflection on the broader human condition and the constant struggle between civilization and savagery.

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The Innate Evil in Lord of the Flies. (2019, Jan 05). Retrieved from