The Death of Abraham Lincoln John Wilkes Booth

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John Wilkes Booth was a highly recognized actor, who was a faithful devoted advocate of slavery and the south confederacy throughout the civil war in the united states of america. As a child John Wilkes was the second to youngest (out of 10 kids) that was born to the famous actor Junius Brutus Booth. John was raised in the city of Baltimore, On a farm his dad owned A few miles away from Bel Air, Maryland, Which utilized the labor of slaves.

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( Which could be the/a reason he was A advocate of slavery and the southern confederacy).

The vote for Abraham Lincoln to become president in 1860 and the successful result of the anti-slavery republican party in the north states in that election were outrageous and a disgrace to John Booth. Then in 1863, as the tide revolved against the confederacy, President Lincoln emancipated the slaves and in 1864 won re-election. But before all that with the emancipation of the slaves in 1863, After Abraham became president and the success of the anti-slavery Republican Party in the north in 1860, In 1861 is when John Wilkes Booth constructed his first ever plot towards President Lincoln in 1861. His scheme was to capture the President before he could be inaugurated. Then on the night on the 9th month of November in 1863, John was performing in A well liked melodramatic tragedy performance called Marble Heart. On the stage at the ford Theater in Washington. Also, the man viewing the play from the presidential box was President Abraham Lincoln. In November 1863 is the date when Lincoln saw Booth in the Marble Heart play. Days before Lincoln’s assassination, Lincoln had his second inaugural on the 11th day in April of 1856, John Booth was present at Abraham event, During Lincoln’s speech, he called for limited negro suffrage, giving the right to vote to those who had participated in the military during the nations war. As John heard those words he mumbled to companions “That means nigger citizenship!! This is the LAST speech he will ever make!!. Booth(The main advocate of slavery) was so outraged about Lincoln plans and his speech that he tried to persuade one of those companions to shoot Abraham right at that very moment. In 1864, John recurred to the nation of kidnapping president Lincoln, planning to hold him captive in Richmond to interchange for a few thousand of those southern confederate prisoners of war.

The night of Lincoln’s assassination newspaper reports Lincoln and Grant would both attend the Ford Theater on April 14, John determined to strike. So Abraham showed his I.D to the White House footman, then he obtained the entrance to the sitting box where Lincoln and his wife Mary were getting entertained by the comedy. Then Booth entered the theater around 10 p.m. After entering, Booth used a wooden bar to secure the door Because, a hole had been drilled in the door so guards could watch the President without disturbing him. As Lincoln and his wife were being amused by the entertainment, unaware of Booth approach. Booth shoots Lincoln from behind(Most likely hitting his neck or head), with the bullet entering the left side of Lincoln head and going through his skull, beneath his eye. Lincoln was pronounced dead A little before 7:30 the next morning.

As that happened Booth avoided the detectives/manhunt in Virginia for at least two weeks until one of the Cavalry detectives cornered Booth and another man(conspirator David E. Harold) in A shed on a farm made for tobacco. This location was owned by Richard H. Garrett near the Port Royal. Harold surrendered, but John Booth refuses to corporate. So the troopers set the shed where Booth and Harold stayed in flames, as that happened A shot ranged out, and somehow Booth fell/collapsed/ It was A catastrophe, and John fell, very intensively wounded(He died April 26,1865). Where there Booth was shot by the Sergeant Corbett Boston or even committed suicide is uncertain. After this whole aftermath and tragedies John Wilkes Booth had expected to be honored as a “Hero of the south.

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The death of Abraham Lincoln John Wilkes Booth. (2019, Jul 31). Retrieved from