The Coolidge Scholarship: more than Just Free College

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Updated: Apr 01, 2024
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The Coolidge Scholarship: more than Just Free College

This essay about the Coolidge Scholarship unpacks the unique opportunity it presents to high school juniors across the United States. With a full ride covering tuition, room, board, and books at any accredited U.S. university, the scholarship prioritizes students who excel academically, lead with integrity, and are actively engaged in their communities. The rigorous application process is designed to identify individuals who are not just scholars but also community leaders and change-makers. Beyond the financial benefits, becoming a Coolidge Scholar means joining a supportive network that offers mentorship, further educational opportunities, and networking. The scholarship aims to cultivate a generation of leaders ready to tackle societal challenges, emphasizing the importance of values and civic engagement. Essentially, it’s a transformative experience that extends well beyond college tuition, aiming to shape the character and future endeavors of its recipients.

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Let’s chat about something pretty incredible that’s flying under the radar for a lot of high school juniors dreaming of college but sweating the hefty price tags: the Coolidge Scholarship. Named for America’s 30th president, Calvin Coolidge, this isn’t your run-of-the-mill scholarship. It’s a golden ticket to any accredited U.S. university, covering not just tuition, but also the whole shebang—room, board, books, you name it—for four whole years. But what makes the Coolidge Scholarship really stand out is its focus.

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Sure, grades matter, but what the folks behind this scholarship are really looking for are students who lead with integrity, hustle with a purpose, and genuinely want to make the world a better place.

Getting your hands on this scholarship is no small feat. The application process is intense—think essays that make you dig deep, recommendations that speak volumes, and an interview that’s the real deal. They’re on the lookout for the kind of leaders who not only hit the books hard but also have a track record of rolling up their sleeves and diving into community service, all while showcasing some solid leadership chops.

Winning the Coolidge means joining an elite squad of past and present scholars—a network of ambitious, like-minded individuals. This community is all about offering up mentorship opportunities, further educational programs, and a bunch of networking events that can open doors you didn’t even know existed.

But here’s the kicker: the Coolidge Scholarship is about so much more than just scoring a free ride to college. It’s a call to action—a push to live out the kind of values that President Coolidge stood for. It’s about nurturing a new generation of leaders who are ready to face society’s challenges head-on, armed with the education, values, and support system they need to make a splash.

So, in a nutshell, the Coolidge Scholarship is a game-changer. It’s not just easing the financial burden of college; it’s shaping future leaders who’ll hopefully leave the world a little better than they found it. And in today’s world, that’s something we could definitely use more of.

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The Coolidge Scholarship: More Than Just Free College. (2024, Apr 01). Retrieved from