The Complicated Healthcare Policy in the United States

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Nowadays, healthcare policy is more difficult than ever before, with many policies and regulations by federal government and health insurance firms. These concerns pose great challenges and obstacles in healthcare, making nurses’ jobs much more demanding. Unfortunately, most of the time, patients and nurses are the ones caught between cost restraints and access to high-quality care (Premji & Hatfield, 2016). America is arguably one of the countries with the highest quality of care, but these policies negatively impact patient outcomes. For example, if you are uninsured, you cannot seek medical attention; so, if you can’t afford health insurance, you’re doomed.

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Coming from a country where healthcare is free for everyone, this is a mind-blowing experience for me.

According to the Commonwealth Fund (2016), 33 million people were uninsured in 2014, down 13.3 percent since 2013. This means that 33 million people had no access to a medical facility and that they would be unable to seek medical help if they suffered a serious illness. This indicates a push to reduce the number of uninsured Americans; however, with all this political instability and the intention to end the Affordable Care Act, the healthcare scene seems bleak.

After I complete nursing school, I plan to work as a registered nurse for a certain period before returning to graduate school to further my education. As a new nurse, I expect to face many challenges, but at the same time, I am excited at the prospect of venturing out into the work field and having the opportunity to save as many lives as possible. Until now, my only engagement with the political aspects of healthcare has been through the Student Nurses Organization (SNO). Although limited compared to the experiences of other healthcare professionals, my time with SNO has taught me how organizations like these function and what it’s like to collaborate with others in the same profession. Everyone should strive to make a difference; for me, nursing will be one of the tools to achieve this.

Nurses contribute to our society by saving lives and consistently advocating for and transforming the structure and outlook of healthcare for the benefit of patients. But how can nurses accomplish this?

The only way nurses can drive change and reform the current healthcare system is by always being willing to step out of their comfort zone. Nurses should question any management, governmental, or corporate decision that undermines patients’ right to healthcare. If nurses engage more in less familiar spheres where laws and regulations affecting patient care are established, the quality of care will significantly improve (Abood, 2007). Some new nurses may find this aspect of nursing intimidating, but my previous work experience and athletic career have prepared me for this challenge. My caring and compassionate nature are crucial, as I will do anything possible to help someone in need.

Nursing institutions prepare pupils for a small segment of what’s ahead. Every registered nurse learns on the job as they gain more experience; this prospect can be intimidating for many. Sooner or later, everyone finds themselves in an unfamiliar situation that takes them out of their comfort zone. Personally, however, I don’t feel scared. I’m a confident individual who quickly adapts and gets the job done. With experience, I will grow more confident in my abilities and strengths, which will allow me to effectively lead my colleagues.

Every nurse should advocate for their patients, doing everything in their power to ensure they receive quality, affordable care. I believe that forming a relationship with patients is essential, as this allows them to trust you. One significant issue I aim to tackle as a healthcare professional is ensuring everyone has access to quality, affordable healthcare. Coming from a country where healthcare is free for everyone, I am determined to fight for universal healthcare. In my opinion, preventive medicine, including vaccinations, screenings, and regular check-ups, is another crucial issue that needs to be addressed. As evidence has shown, preventive medicine can improve patient outcomes. Many common diseases, such as diabetes and high blood pressure, are a result of lifestyle choices that could be managed and treated more effectively if regular check-ups were conducted (Xiao, Ning, Ming & Chi Eung Danforn, 2012).

The nursing profession carries a substantial legacy of political development and activism. Healthcare pioneers and leaders like Nightingale and Wald are responsible for many changes that improved the quality of care (Zauderer, Ballestas, Cardoza, Hood & Neville, 2008). These nurses were some of the most influential figures in healthcare history, and their accomplishments continue to inspire new nurses today. Advocating for patients should be a goal for all nurses, because engaging in political advocacy is the only way to reform and improve the healthcare system.

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The Complicated Healthcare Policy in the United States. (2022, Dec 16). Retrieved from