Sustainability Policy

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The Sustainability Policy defines the overall Sustainability Practices for (ORGANISATION), as per the ORGANISATION Sustainability Framework. The purpose of this policy is to support ORGANISATION in becoming the most sustainable transport provider in the Middle East. ORGANISATION’s Policy is aligned with the relevant local and national strategic directions of the UAE. The ORGANISATION Sustainability Framework follows a continual improvement management approach (Plan-Do-Check-Act) to ensure continuous improvement. It includes establishing reference to the ORGANISATION Sustainability Framework, the related KPIs, and supporting policies, procedures, and sustainability initiatives and projects.

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Outcomes at ORGANISATION are periodically evaluated, monitored, reviewed, and audited for continual improvement. The policy supports the ORGANISATION’s Strategic Goals and Objectives. This policy is to be implemented by all Agencies and Sectors to ensure compliance with requirements stated in the ORGANISATION’s related Sustainability Processes and Sustainability Framework.


This policy is intended to govern and unify the Sustainability Framework across the ORGANISATION’s Agencies and Sectors, outlining the roles and responsibilities of the ORGANISATION’s Sectors and Agencies. The Sustainability Policy is applicable to all facilities, equipment, systems, processes, programs, and personnel working for, or on behalf of, the ORGANISATION that can have an impact on its activities, such as the surrounding community, environment, and stakeholders. Sustainability Framework activities are developed within three key themes, each with 10 supporting focus areas.

The themes are:

Sustainable Mobility

  • Responsible Economic Growth and Participation,
  • Social Wellbeing and Happiness.

These themes (and ten supporting areas) respond to the strategic objectives of the ORGANISATION. The hierarchy of these focus areas is as follows:

  1. Sustainable Infrastructure
  2. Climate Change
  3. Resource Efficiency and Management
  4. Employment
  5. Procurement
  6. Local Economic Impact
  7. Health and Safety
  8. Customer Happiness
  9. Social Responsibility
  10. Stakeholder Engagement, Monitoring, Reporting, and Communication

4.Definitions ORGANISATION:

Director General, Chairman of the Board of Executive Directors: Director General, Chairman of the Board of Executive Directors of ORGANISATION. CEO: Chief Executive Officer of Sector/Agency in ORGANISATION. Directors: Department Head in ORGANISATION. Boundaries: Physical or site limits and/or organizational limits as defined by the organization (processes and areas). Carbon Dioxide (CO2): One of the primary Greenhouse Gases (GHG) in Earth’s atmosphere. Economic: Science which studies human behavior as a relationship between ends and scarce means which have alternative uses. Environment: The surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operates. Social: Relating to society or its organization. Sustainability Champion: The Sustainability focal point at the Department level. Sustainability Coordinator: The Sustainability focal point at the Sector/Agency level. Sustainability Committee: The Sustainability focal point at the DG level. Sustainability: Sustainability focuses on meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. The concept of sustainability is composed of three pillars: economic, environmental, and social. Sustainability Organogram: The organizational structure that defines the roles and tasks of individuals and groups responsible for the implementation and follow-up of sustainability-related activities. Global Reporting Initiative: The Global Reporting Initiative (known as GRI) is an international independent standards organization that helps businesses, governments, and other organizations understand and communicate their impacts on issues such as climate change, human rights, and corruption.

Key Performance Indicator (KPI) at ORGANISATION: Measure of key objectives at Strategy, Sector/Agency, and Department level. Stakeholder Engagement: Stakeholder engagement is the process used by an organization to engage relevant stakeholders for a purpose to achieve agreed outcomes. Materiality: Materiality is determining the relevance and significance of an issue to an organization and its stakeholders. A material issue is an issue that will influence the decisions, actions, and performance of an organization or its stakeholders. Legal Requirements: Statutory obligations to which the ORGANISATION is bound, as defined by statute and subordinate legislation or instruments issued by statutory authorities, e.g.:

  • Relevant federal, emirate, and local laws and regulations;
  • Government-operating permits, licenses, and approvals;
  • Relevant international treaties and conventions; and
  • Contracts and other documents that include legal obligations, for example, with contractors. Human Rights: Human rights are moral principles or norms that describe an organisation’s standards of human behaviour. These are regularly protected as natural and legal rights in municipal and international law.

RSEMS: ORGANISATION Safety and Environment Management System Sustainable Development Goals: Introduced by the United Nations in 2015, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), otherwise known as the Global Goals, are a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity.

5. Roles & Responsibilities 6.1 Director General, Chairman of the Board of Executive Directors: The approval of the Sustainability Policy and its versions. Ensure that Sector/Agency level operational boundaries are defined.

Provide and authorize the required resources to meet the requirements of the Sustainability Framework in ORGANISATION.

6.2 Higher Committee (Sustainability) ?‚· Ensure the ORGANISATION Sustainability Framework is aligned with relevant local and national strategies‚

  • Spread sustainability awareness, promote innovation, and coordinate with the concerned departments and agencies for the implementation of the Sustainability Framework and for supporting sustainability-related initiatives.
  • Represent the ORGANISATION as a leader in sustainability at local, national, and international events.
  • Oversee the tracking and achievement of the ORGANISATION’s sustainability targets in all sectors and agencies, and update the targets on a yearly basis while monitoring the performance.
  • Promote sustainability innovation and encourage sectors and agencies to introduce new ideas.

6.3 Chief Executive Officer of Strategy and Corporate Governance‚

Recommend the adoption of the policy.

6.4 Chief Executive Officer of Sector/Agency

  • Ensure compliance with the Sustainability Policy within the context of the respective sector/agency.
  • Ensure that sustainability scope and boundaries are defined for the respective sector/agency.
  • Nominate and approve a Sustainability Coordinator and Champion(s) to represent the sector/agency and respective departments.
  • Approve the initiatives and projects in the respective agency/sector.
  • Approve the periodic sustainability performance reports in the respective agency/sector.

6.5 Directors, Deputy Directors, and Managers

  • Provide and authorize the required resources to encourage and enable employees to fully capitalize on sustainability-related activities, and to monitor and measure sustainability performance.
  • Ensure compliance with the Sustainability Policy as per the Department’s scope.
  • Ensure alignment of Department initiatives, projects, and plans with the ORGANISATION Sustainability Framework.
  • Ensure Stakeholders’ (Suppliers, Contractors, Service Providers, etc.) compliance with the Sustainability Policy at ORGANISATION.
  • Provide the data and information related to Sustainability to the Sustainability section and Sustainability Champion periodically and upon request.
  • Ensure compliance with the Sustainability Policy within the context of the respective Department.
  • Review and approve Sustainability Strategic initiatives for respective Departments.

6.6 Green Economy & Sustainability Section

  • Coordinate the implementation of ORGANISATION’s Sustainability Framework and sustainability-related activities and functions at the corporate level.
  • Prepare and update the ORGANISATION’s Sustainability Framework and oversee sustainability-related activities in coordination with Departments, Sector, and Agencies.
  • Support the Sustainability Coordinator of each Sector/Agency in the implementation of the Sustainability Framework elements by facilitating regular training and awareness sessions for Sustainability Coordinators and Sustainability Champions.
  • Coordinate with the relevant external parties on the contribution of ORGANISATION towards Dubai/UAE sustainability directions.
  • Ensure compliance with the Sustainability Policy and Sustainability Framework by Departments, Sectors, and Agencies.
  • Ensure that sustainability performance in ORGANISATION is monitored and reported to the Sustainability Committee and the Director General and Chairman of the Board of Executive Directors.
  • Assess the effectiveness of Sustainability Performance of ORGANISATION’s Departments, Sectors, and Agencies.
  • Conduct an annual review of the ORGANISATION’s Sustainability Performance.
  • Conduct sustainability-related audits and reviews of ORGANISATION’s Sectors/Agencies, as required.
  • Suggest potential improvements and report the audit findings.
  • The Head of the section will also act as the secretary for the Sustainability Committee and provide a link between the section and the committee.

6.7 Sustainability Coordinators

  • Ensure sustainability boundaries are identified and reviewed on a regular basis for respective sectors and agencies.
  • Ensure legal and other regulatory requirements are considered in sustainability planning and operations.
  • Facilitate sustainability knowledge sharing for all staff in their sector or agency.
  • Act as the link between respective sectors or agencies and the Sustainability Function.
  • Provide guidance to Sustainability Champions under their respective sector or agency.
  • Ensure implementation of the Sustainability Framework elements in their respective sectors and agencies.
  • Report on the sustainability performance of their respective sectors/agencies to the Sustainability Function on a periodic basis.
  • Identify and analyze key activities affecting sustainability performance within the operational boundary of respective sectors/agencies.
  • Collaborate with Sustainability Function to identify sustainability improvement areas and opportunities.
  • Conduct annual review of the sustainability performance for respective sectors/agencies.
  • Provide data and other information, as required, to the Sustainability Section within their department/agency for ongoing monitoring, reporting, and analysis.
  • Support stakeholder engagement and sustainability reporting within the organisation.

6.8 Sustainability Champions

  • Compile all necessary data regarding Sustainability Performance in their respective departments and report it to the Sustainability Coordinators as and when required.
  • Support all activities related to the implementation of the Sustainability Framework in the respective departments.
  • Support Sustainability Coordinators in strengthening Sustainability Practices across the organisation, including within departments, sectors and agencies.
  • Facilitate sustainability knowledge sharing with all staff within their respective departments/sections/agencies.

6. Related Processes The related process include:

Organisation Sustainability Framework Process

Organisation Sustainability SOP (Proposed)

8. Sustainability Operation and Guidelines

ORGANISATION is committed to sustainability concepts and activities in order to reinforce sustainability in its core operations and reach its target to become the most sustainable public transport authority in the Middle East. These activities are listed and explained briefly below and in more detail in the related SOP:

Sustainability Reporting: To deliver on our commitment to Sustainability Reporting, ORGANISATION shall: Work collaboratively to prepare an annual sustainability report in accordance with various global standards. The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) is a globally recognized sustainability reporting guiding organization and will allow ORGANISATION to report in a manner consistent with best-practice guidelines. Undertake regular organization assessments and data collection to understand evolving direct and indirect environmental, social, economic and governance risks, impacts and opportunities in ORGANISATION.

Stakeholder Engagement: To deliver on our commitment to engaging our stakeholders regularly, a yearly stakeholder engagement process should be conducted in three stages:

  1. Planning: Establish an internal baseline and understanding around stakeholder engagement activities and sustainability at ORGANISATION.
  2. Execution: Invite stakeholders to engage, ensuring they are invited to participate well in advance. Ensure that communications are appropriate for each stakeholder.
  3. Finalizing: Develop an action plan with the aim of translating the findings, insights, and agreements from the engagement into action and communicate these actions to your stakeholders.

Sustainable Supply Chain/Procurement Principles: To reinforce our commitment to local procurement practices and support to local businesses and entities, as well as ensure we achieve a sustainable supply chain, ORGANISATION shall adhere to ORGANISATION’s principles.

Human Rights Principles: To deliver on our commitment to adhere to international standards on Human Rights and provide an inclusive environment for our employees, contractors, and stakeholders, ORGANISATION shall adhere to the following principles:

Safe and Healthy Workplace: The safety and health of the ORGANISATION’s importance. Diversity and Inclusion: ORGANISATION values the diversity and inclusion of their employees. Workplace Security: ORGANISATION maintains a workplace that is free from violence, harassment, intimidation, and other unsafe or disruptive conditions due to internal and external threats.

Forced Labor and Human Trafficking: ORGANISATION prohibits the use of all forms of forced labor, including prison labor, indentured labor, bonded labor, military labor, modern forms of slavery, and any form of human trafficking.

Child Labor: ORGANISATION prohibits the hiring of individuals that are under 18 years of age for positions in which hazardous work is required. Work Hours, Wages, and Benefits: ORGANISATION compensates employees competitively relative to the industry and local labor market.

9. Review

The policy is subject to periodic annual review by the Sustainability Committee, or as needed according to new policies and other evidence associated with it, to ensure it remains in alignment with the best interests of all stakeholders with whom ORGANISATION operates.

10. Notice

The policy is written in Arabic and English. In the event of any discrepancy, conflict, or inconsistency between the Arabic and English versions, the Arabic version shall prevail in determining the intent and meaning of the document.

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Sustainability Policy. (2019, Jul 21). Retrieved from