Learning Disabilities in Modern Context

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The placement of students in special education programs raises important ethical and practical questions in modern education. This essay explores the case of Germaine, a student at Centerville Elementary School, who was evaluated for special education services under questionable circumstances. The central argument posits that Germaine's evaluation was not driven by his genuine educational needs but rather by administrative motives to manipulate overall school performance statistics. By examining the criteria for special education placement, Germaine’s actual capabilities, and the implications of such administrative decisions, this essay aims to highlight the broader issues of educational ethics and the importance of appropriate support systems in schools.

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Administrative Motives

The decision to evaluate Germaine for special education services appears to be influenced by the school administration's desire to improve standardized test scores. Schools are often under pressure to meet certain benchmarks, and one method to achieve this is by excluding lower-performing students from the general testing pool. By moving students like Germaine, who may not necessarily require special education, the school can artificially inflate its performance metrics. This raises ethical concerns about the fairness and integrity of educational assessments and the potential harm caused to students who are misclassified for administrative convenience.

Understanding Learning Disabilities

According to Gabbard and the American Psychiatric Association, a specific learning disability is a developmental condition that typically emerges during school years. It affects areas such as reading, writing, speaking, or math. It's crucial to understand that these challenges are not due to inadequate teaching or poor educational environments but are intrinsic to the student's learning processes. If unaddressed, these disabilities can lead to broader life challenges, including decreased educational attainment and lower self-esteem. Germaine’s case illustrates the importance of distinguishing between genuine learning disabilities and other factors influencing academic performance, such as personal or environmental issues.

Germaine’s Capabilities

Upon observing Germaine's educational performance, it becomes evident that he possesses strong reading skills, as noted by his special education teacher, Ms. Perez. His reading level surpasses that of his peers, and his vocabulary is well-developed, indicating no signs of a reading disability. In contrast, his math skills are less advanced, primarily due to his perfectionist tendencies rather than an inherent inability to understand mathematical concepts. This observation suggests that Germaine's academic difficulties may stem more from personal attributes and external circumstances than from a learning disability, challenging the rationale behind his special education evaluation.

The Role of Teachers

The effectiveness of a teacher plays a crucial role in a student's educational success. In Germaine's case, the special education class, led by a strict but innovative teacher, showcased how structured teaching methods can aid learning. Nevertheless, a balanced approach is necessary, where teachers in general education can provide the organizational structure and personalized support needed for students like Germaine to thrive. Such an environment can help address individual learning needs without resorting to misclassification into special education programs.


The case of Germaine underscores the need for ethical practices in education, particularly concerning special education placement. Schools should endeavor to provide equitable and appropriate support for all students, ensuring that administrative decisions do not compromise the educational opportunities available to them. Germaine's situation serves as a cautionary tale about the potential pitfalls of using special education as a tool for administrative gain rather than focusing on the genuine needs of students. It advocates for a more nuanced understanding of learning disabilities and a commitment to fostering inclusive and supportive educational environments where every student has the opportunity to succeed.

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Learning Disabilities in Modern Context. (2022, Aug 18). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/specific-learning-disabilities-and-the-causes-of-germaines-difficulties/