Software Engineering Career Path

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Growing up, my big brother was a major influence on me regarding computers and taught me how to use Microsoft Office applications and the web. I have always had a curious mind and I love learning how things function and I knew computers was something I wanted to learn more about and even taught myself how to use html coding for web sites.

At the moment I am studying computer system engineering and even thought I have never done any programming prior to starting this course, I am really enjoying the coding and I can see myself pursuing a career in computing and creating applications and software’s that help people in a real way that has an positive impact.

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I’m planning to study computer science in the university next year because I really want to learn how to code and I think the careers possibilities are endless with a computer science degree.

Career Paths

One of the main jobs I always thought I would be doing after my degree is to be a Software engineering

Software engineering job description

Software Engineers write, debug, maintain, and test software that instructs the computer to execute a certain tasks, such as saving information and performing calculations using a specific programming languages like Python Ruby and Java.

Software engineering job Responsibilities

  •  Developing information systems by designing, developing, and installing software solutions.
  •  Determine operational achievability by evaluating analysis, requirements, solution development, and proposed solutions.
  •  Develops software solutions by studying information requirements, discussing with clients, and studying systems flow, data usage, and work processes.
  •  Keep up with software development lifecycle and Investigates problem areas.
  • Developing documentation, flowcharts, layouts, diagrams, charts, code comments and clear code.
  •  Prepares and installs solutions by determining and designing system specifications, standards, and programming.
  •  Improves operations by conducting systems analysis and recommending changes in policies and procedures.
  •  Protects operations by keeping information confidential.
  •  Provides information by collecting, analysing, and summarizing development and service issues.
  •  Accomplishes engineering and organization mission by completing related results as needed.
  •  Design and develop a processing platform using various configuration management technologies.
  •  Provide ongoing maintenance, support and enhancements in existing systems and platforms.
  •  Collaborate cross-functionally with data scientists, business client, project managers and other engineers to achieve appropriate solutions.
  •  Provide recommendations for continuous improvement.
  •  Work with other engineers on the team to elevate technology and regularly apply best practices.

Like any job the negative aspects for being a Software engineering are the highly demanding and competitive work environment and staying current with evolving technology. On the other hand the positive aspects can be very rewarding because it can help save natural resources and improve human condition not to mention the great pay.

Possible difficulties I may face in this career path is the demanding over 40 hours a week which can be difficult to balance with family life in the future.

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Software Engineering Career Path. (2021, Oct 18). Retrieved from