Sides Involved in Police Brutality

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In criminal justice ethics it reviews a lot about policing. It also talks a lot about policing environment and police duties during the criminal justice system and in the community. Policing environment can include many things as in citizens. Citizens will be the first thing of policing environment because they are a big part of the environment. They are the community. Another thing that makes up policing environment is media. Media plays a significant role because when things happens the media will be the first to put the information out to the public.

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The media can be a negative and positive impact on policing environment because the media portrays a lot of different things and it may not be the truth. This can also be a positive thing because the community needs to know information that goes around them. Citizens are the most important aspect of the policing environment because they make up the percentage of community and environment. Policing also comes in play in the criminal justice system during trails and the correction process. The role of the police in the criminal justice system is that officers take the reports for crimes and gather and protect evidence. Also, during the trial, the police my give testimonies during the court process. They also may do follow up investigations. During the corrections process the role that the police play is that they can supervise offenders while there in jail, prison, or probation. They also may prepare pre- sentencing reports with background info about the offenders.

Police are very different from other organizations in chapter three it talks about how the police organizations differ from other types of organizations. One difference is authority. Police officers have way more authority than other organizations. Some organizations may have authority but it’s not going to be on the level of policing. Respect is another difference because police officers gain respect for what they do and how they take care of the community. Structure is one because law enforcement must have a lot of structure because of what field they are in. They have a line of staff that must go by commands period. The last reason why they are different because of the force. Police officers can use non- negotiable force to handle people.

Police environment and police subculture go hand to hand, they are just a little bit different. subculture is cultural patterns that distinguish some segment of society population. Police subculture is shared values and norms and the established patterned of behavior that tend to characterize policing. Just how police environment has the key components of the police environment so does the police subculture, there main ones are the media, administration, street environment, and organizational factors.

Community policing is another important thing with police environment. Community policing allows police officers to areas so that they can become familiar with the local people. Community policing can be also known as partnership in which the police and community work together to reduce crime. This can relate with police environment because they both must be in the environment or community to help the citizens. Community policing can also have a lot of positive and negative aspects come out of it. The positive of community policing is that it makes the citizens feel safe. When citizens know that the police are out in the community they feel relief that they have someone protecting them. Relationship will start to develop among the police and the community. Crime will also reduce. The negative aspects of community policing are that some police may get to caught up on building a relationship then focusing on their work.

Being in a Police environment is very stressful and a dangerous situation. There are several things you must consider within seconds and make the right decisions. You must immediately determine who’s the suspect and who’s the victim but also pay attention to your surroundings to protect yourself during the process.

Your mind is racing a million miles an hour has you ever put yourself in the situation to pull up and think about all the things you need to consider quickly because your life is always on the line. There’s always 4 sides to every story when a crime has been committed you have to consider what the suspect said what the victim said and what the cop said and lastly also what the witnesses said and if there are any others involved. The public is quick to judge on what a cop should have done and what should have taken place when a crime is being committed. There’s a difference also from what is a crime and what is a disturbance. For example, in a domestic situation suspect could be male or female which the public will first assume is always going to be the female as the victim.

A lot of times cops get called repeatedly to these situations and therefore the situation is not always taken seriously which it should be because eventually they become deadly. In this situation you can’t force a person to leave the home that doesn’t want to press charges against someone who is harming them. Is it the victim who must determine where their fate will lie as long as a cop is doing everything they were trying to do? Another situation which a main topic throughout Society has been is cops being involved and shootings that have become deadly.

Today in society people have a lot of access to military guns than ever before and the ages range from ten years till adult. Children under the age of sixteen is also involved. Most people are quick to say what the cop should have done and what they were trained to do and what actions that they took. This also goes back to training I feel there could always be continuous training for these types of jobs because the situation is always changing. When you work in this type of profession you must immediately make important decisions that eventually has caused somebody their life.

What is considered Justice, what situation is justified? The public automatically assumes because a person was killed, and they were unarmed that they never should have been killed, but a cop was trained that once he or she is in fear for his life he needs to address the situation regardless of the outcome. Is it right for someone to be killed if they went unarmed? The public will view it as how can someone that’s unarmed hurt you why didn’t you just wound them. Now we’re looking at a cop perfect of police officers view of what happened and immediately if they feel like they were unable to get the situation under control without using deadly force.

If you can see that the police officer’s life was in danger for example someone shooting at the cop, charging at the cop, pulling out weapons, or making threats at any time is it okay to use deadly force if that is part of their training. When you do not have any video or audio recording the situation that will always be hard to determine if the cop did everything he was supposed to do before the deadly force took place.

Being a citizen we all have not been trained on what to do in these situations we were not there when the situation occurred so how can you say what is justifiable and what was not justified. Have Cops been trained that they too must follow the law and not kill someone intentionally and not to abuse their authority. Why have so many police officers been justified as two reasons of them not being convicted of killing a person that was unarmed?

Does a police officer always have the right to commit deadly crimes because their life is always on the line every day when they go to work? If you went to work and immediately felt threatened would you defend yourself or would you think I’m going to use the minimum force to make sure the environment become safe, to make sure that anyone does not get injured or killed. Do you really stop and think and take five to ten minutes and think about what action you want to pursue when someone is threatening your life?

There are specific laws pertaining to the police department on the protocol on how the situation should be handled to prevent them from turning deadly and not just to only think about whether they feel threatened or not. I feel that there should be stricter gun laws this would help protect innocent bystanders, innocent children, and innocent citizens, from being injured or killed when they were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Would there be less police fatality shootings if our gun law was stricter on who could get a hold of a gun to commit these crimes? There are a lot of questions we can ask and hope to get answers.

Following the law and protecting citizens are the duties of police officers, they are here to protect and serve. Police brutality has been going on for many years now there have been several hundred situations where deadly force was used unnecessarily but the cop did not receive punishment they were not accused of committing a crime. At what point do we determine using deadly force are controlling the situation without killing the suspect.

What about the situations where is obvious deadly force should not have been used but the cop did not receive any reformation for his actions? This now has caused a hostile environment within society how do you expect citizens to trust and feel safe from the main person who supposed to be protecting them.

This conversation can go on and on but always consider what would you do if you have to be in that situation every day of your work day you also have to live with whatever decision you made and determine if you made the right choice, all cases of police brutality are deadly shootings are not justifiable but many have been Justified and they do have one of the most stressful jobs to serve and protect their community. Police environment is very important because citizens will know that they are safe and protected.

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Sides Involved in Police Brutality. (2022, Feb 11). Retrieved from