Should Students be Allowed to Listen to Music in Class

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Should Students be Allowed to Listen to Music in Class

This essay will discuss the pros and cons of allowing students to listen to music in class. It will explore how music can affect concentration, learning, and the classroom environment. The piece will present different perspectives and research findings on the impact of music on student productivity and learning. PapersOwl offers a variety of free essay examples on the topic of Learning.

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Enhancing Memory and Concentration with Music

Music in classrooms can be a good thing even though you may think it’s not. There are lots of teachers that say that music distracts students. But most kids work better with music than without it. Music can improve learning because it puts people in a better mood. Here is why music should be allowed in the classroom.

Another thing that helps is memory. It helps people remember the information that they learned while listening to a certain song.

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Music is also a good distraction for students who have their work done. Most of the time, people think it’s bad because students will play on their phones all the time instead of doing work. But studies show that if kids have a playlist work better because they aren’t distracted by their phones.

Something else also proved is that music can actually help with the pain. When you’re injured, you mainly focus on pain than anything else, but when you focus on that rather than the pain. So when you are hurt and taking a test, you can focus more than you would normally. Another thing that helps in this situation is music can improve your brain function. One study shows that test takers got more answers right and completed the test on time.

Music as a Support Tool for ADHD and Stress

Something that is good for people with ADHD is that music can help with that too. Studies have shown that music can be just as effective as medication. In addition to everything else, it helps with it also helps with depression because of its ability to reduce stress-related hormones. The reason this is so important because now students get really stressed out about schoolwork and feel like they can’t get it done.

The Positive Effects of Classical Music

While listening to your favorite music is great, classical music is better. The reason that is better is that classical music, according to a study, will make you smarter. This type of music is mainly for learning and tests rather than studying because it helps you improve test scores and errors. This, as I have said before, also could improve mood, help you focus, and reduce stress.

Pump-up music is just what it sounds like. It is music that gets you pumped up. Pump-up music does not sound like something that would be related to school, but it is. The reason it is related to school is that before a test, it can help you feel more prepared for a test or quiz. Pump-up music is fast or bass-heavy music, so that helps you become more confident in what you are doing.

Conclusion: The Responsible Use of Music in Classrooms

Different types of music can be bad depending on what you are doing. Music that is fast and loud is bad for basically everything except getting yourself pumped up. Most studies will show that music is bad, and it can be, but only if it is used correctly. What I mean by ‘used correctly’ is students abusing the fact they would be able to listen to music in class and would find loopholes to listen to it during important things they need to learn. And that’s why music should be allowed in classrooms.

Works Cited

  1. Hallam, S., & Price, J. (1998). Can the use of background music improve the behaviour and academic performance of children with emotional and behavioural difficulties? British Journal of Special Education, 25(2), 88-91.
  2. Mammarella, N., Fairfield, B., & Cornoldi, C. (2007). Does music enhance cognitive performance in healthy older adults? The Vivaldi effect. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, 19(5), 394-399.
  3. Thoma, M. V., La Marca, R., Brönnimann, R., Finkel, L., Ehlert, U., & Nater, U. M. (2013). The effect of music on the human stress response. PLoS ONE, 8(8), e70156.
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Should Students Be Allowed to Listen to Music in Class. (2023, Jun 18). Retrieved from