Several Changes in Chemical Engineering Practice

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Sustainability Engineering is a radical approach to the long-lasting advancement of the human condition. Sustainable Engineering essentially means utilizing materials and other resources for the purpose of engineering and design in a manner that allows future generations to fulfill their requirements. Sustainable engineering can be applied to numerous other branches, such as materials, products and processes, design, chemicals, energy, etc. It refers not only to the resources but also to increased productivity derived from them, in order to produce maximum output for future generations.

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Thus, we can say that the efficient process of Engineering, which can positively impact the future world, also constitutes sustainable Engineering.

The term ‘sustainability’ generally refers to the ability to maintain something for an indefinite period of time without depleting the resources used to sustain it, and in such a way that it does not disrupt the environment in which it exists.

The term “sustainable” is used in many specific areas, such as:

  • Sustainable engineering
  • Sustainable design
  • Sustainable development
  • Sustainable living
  • Sustainable energy

Also, we can consider the application of sustainability principles in main areas such as:

  • Product and Process
  • Innovation
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Design

Product and Process

Nowadays, we are immersed in a robust and sustainable product and process system. Modern society is aware of early processes and now considers sustainable processes to keep the world safe and healthy. During the last few decades, the awareness of sustainability has induced several changes in chemical engineering practice. Recently, however, the emphasis in sustainable chemical engineering has primarily been in the field of process improvement. Logical enhancement of individual process steps and improved process coordination have led to substantial minimization or even complete avoidance of undesired waste streams in the process industry. Significant further contributions from chemical engineering to a more sustainable world can also be achieved in the area of product design and product engineering. As we continue to grow as a society, our world becomes overpopulated. That means our products are less than people’s daily needs. Furthermore, our process speed is too slow compared to the speed of product usage. With an overpopulated planet hungry for power and resources, sustainability will be one of the biggest challenges in the future. Current production and consumption patterns are causing a series of environmental and human issues that cannot be sustained in a world with rising human aspirations. The challenge and opportunities for sustainable innovation are immense, and the time horizons are shrinking. Going green is not just about saving the planet, it is about finding a dynamic equilibrium between human and natural systems, preserving the environment, making a profit, and enhancing all stakeholders’ quality of life.

Currently, sustainability considerations are not sufficiently taken into account. The focus seems to be on the improvement phase of a product. Initially, we briefly examine this development stage. Subsequently, we discuss some sustainability considerations. Finally, we offer a series of illustrations on how the sustainability of a product can be enhanced so that its impact at the end of use is less severe on the environment.


Innovation is a driving force for new technology. When we innovate new concepts, they can positively affect sustainable innovation. Nowadays, our world is introducing numerous concepts resulting in a high rate of innovation. In our modernized world, technology and innovation unquestionably play a crucial role in industrial growth. They aid job creation and ensure a sustainable environment. UNESCO’s work demonstrates the significance and positive impact of technology and innovation at every stage of development. In fact, a great emphasis has been placed on the role of technology and scientific research in achieving future Sustainable Development Goals. For instance, one goal focuses on ensuring public safety and promoting well-being for all ages, primarily through the research and development of vaccines and medicines. Another goal seeks to end public hunger and achieve food security, particularly through technological advancements. Furthermore, another goal emphasizes the importance of building resilient infrastructures, promoting inclusive and sustainable industrialization, and fostering innovation as integral parts of sustainable development.


Entrepreneurship does not involve only engineering organizations. It is the core and the most basic starting point of any organization that we can see today. Therefore, it is very important to apply the concept of sustainability from that stage. This has become sustainable entrepreneurship.

Sustainable Entrepreneurship is a business-based concept of sustainability that focuses on increasing both the social side and the business value. Acknowledging enterprises as one of the greatest engines for societal and economic progress, and hence, for radical change. Therefore, sustainability entrepreneurship contributes greatly to our future generation. By doing so, it encourages future generations to focus more on the concept of sustainability. All factors that are important to the entrepreneur in the standard business way are critical to a successful sustainable business. Sustainable businesses are very beneficial for our society because they create more jobs and new types of professions. Sustainable entrepreneurship builds on the basics of entrepreneurship and further extends it to encompass addressing ecological and social concerns through the creation of new enterprises and innovation in existing enterprises.


Design is highly influential for our new generations. Because we aim to do things more efficiently and effectively, it’s necessary to design new products. As a result, we are leaning towards sustainable design, along with sustainable engineering design. We call it “engineering design” because it involves applying engineering principles to new designs. Based on the concept of “sustainable engineering,” we can identify activities under “sustainable engineering design” such as:

Product Design: This refers to ensuring the resources used to create a product are not depleted, and that the usage and eventual disposal of the product do not harm the environment in which it operates.

Process Design: This involves designing processes where the resources input should not be depleted, and the output materials do not harm the environment they are introduced to.

This essentially focuses on incorporating desired “sustainable concepts” into the respective steps of our design process.

  1. Goal Statements
  2. Objectives/Constraints
  3. Selection Method for Concepts

When we consider sustainable engineering design, we aim to design products that consume less energy. Moreover, we take into account pollution, economic benefits, and factors that are healthy for the environment. This is because customers are increasingly demanding such products.

NOTE: Sustainable engineering design will noticeably alter your conventional “ideal design.” However, even designs that seem perfect on paper might lead to environmentally damaging energy use, or overall unsustainability. Therefore, it is crucial to strike a balance between these perfect configurations and a truly sustainable design.

Practical implications and solutions

In a sustainable world, there are many practical implications and solutions for engineering situations. Consider the product and process, innovation, entrepreneurship, and design. They each present solutions to different questions. Decision-making in engineering, whether in the design of a process or product, the provision of infrastructure, or the management of an engineering enterprise, takes place throughout the life cycle of that process, product, infrastructure, or enterprise. This practical implication is deftly utilized in decision-making processes. There is a range of models available to study such a life-cycle of decision-making. The one chosen to be used here is divided into five main stages:

  • Framing the requirements – often completed in a Feasibility Study
  • Scoping the decision – often made in a Project Definition Study
  • Planning and Design – decisions made in the detailed design stage
  • Implementation, Delivery, and Operations
  • End of usable life

The following sections provide guidance on how sustainability considerations and a sustainable development approach to engineering must influence decision-making at each stage. Now we know how to use sustainable engineering for practical applications and solutions. At the top, we talk about how to progress solutions for any questions we want to confront in any kind of scenario.

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Several Changes in Chemical Engineering Practice. (2023, Mar 27). Retrieved from