Self-awareness as the Main Factor of Emotional Intelligence

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Humans have complex emotions. For instance, sometimes, we learn about our emotions naturally. An example would be; when we feel hungry, so we eat, which you can see that there is a course of action in the sample model. Thus, once we fully learn to understand our emotions, it can help us to recognize our own actions or behavior, and that includes other people as well.

Nowadays, the knowledge of Emotional intelligence has become a crucial skill. The ability to perceive one’sone’s own or other people’speople’s emotions to gather that information and flitter it appropriately in order to think and behave effectively.

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It’sIt’s can help us to improve our personal life and professional life. This can be an advantage to contribute to our overall success in life. Emotional intelligent skills can be a huge benefit for the ones who master them, regardless of your professional role or your personal role. It can create a new possibility, strengthen relationships, avoid conflict, etcetera. According to the research, To truly improve your ability in the four emotional intelligence skills, you need to better understand each skill and what it looks like in action.

Emotional intelligence can be divided into two main factors. The first factor would be; personal competence, which is the combination of self-awareness and self-management in this factor is mainly more about you. The second would be; so social competence, which is the combination of social awareness and relationship management. This factor is more about how you are with other people. As a matter of fact, self-awareness is the first step in improving our emotional intelligence. Self-awareness refers to an awareness of ourselves on many different levels. To be able to recognize ourselves, such as emotions, thoughts, judgments, actions, intentions, goals and values, etc. Likewise, to observe and acknowledge both internal ( Emotional ) and external (physical). These acknowledgments will serve their purpose. With this in mind, self-reflection will help you manage yourself from doing a thing that you will regret. Due to the influent of our own emotions or other people can affect our decision-making, it is important to realize that our actions/responses can impact the outcome.

For example would be: you are driving to a very important meeting. You have been stuck in traffic for 3 hours, and it’s starting to worry you. You feel upset, but you are aware of your emotion. Hence, the traffic congestion is not getting any better. You are running late. You keep looking at your watch, and the time is ticking, your hand starts to sweat, your heart starts pounding, and now you feel the pressure and stress. (it’sit’s called – self-awareness, as for the sample event, it has shown that you are aware of your emotion, notice your surroundings, your realize the course that could affect your outcome). After all, you try to shift your emotion by taking a deep breath, inhaling, exhale to calm yourself. (it’s called: self-management. You learn to control your emotion, so you can think clearly and make the best decision) finally, you feel calm so that you can think of a solution wisely. You have 30 minutes left, you know you can make it in time by motorbike. So you react to solve your problem and avoid the consequences of being late. You chose to park the car somewhere and come back to get it later, grab a bike to attend the meeting on time rather than being late and make your colleagues wait for your arrival, you value punctuality and avoiding any irritation that might occur with your colleagues by your late arrival (it’s called: social competencies).

In addition, An awareness of our and other people’s personalities, skills, strengths, interest, weaknesses, and habits. This identification allows us to see a clear picture of ourselves or other people. As well as to identify what needs to be improved or what needs to be changed. To put it another way, it can determine the gaps between where you are to what you want to become before you proceed to lay out your plan toward your objective goal.

Moreover, how other people perceive you personally and professionally should be noted. For example would be: On occasion, other’sother’s people might perceive that you are too demanding and aggressive when other people don’tdon’t do things the same way you said. You might not mean it, but you need to understand that your emotions and your behavior can affect other people personally and professionally. as a result of that, your colleagues find it quite difficult to collaborate with you. All things considered that you obviously need to control your emotion and improve how you communicate with other people. It might be the tone you are using or your choice of words. after you reflect on yourself in the future, you can choose a better way to approach genially.

To give an instance situation would be:
Zara: John, you are done with your project, right?
John: yes, I’mI’m done with everything; I am on a break
Zara: OMG. Don’tDon’t just sit there taking a quality break time.

Instead, you should come to help me write the annual report right about now. I have a lot of things to get done by today. (says with a demanding voice and being sarcastic) new approach: I don’tdon’t want to interlope your break time, but if you don’tdon’t mind, my work is quite urgent, could you please give me a hand? Your help will be much appreciated. In particular, the example has shown that after we recognize our own flaws, we will be able to manage our emotions and improve ourselves to be professional and increase social competencies. According to the Four stages, we can develop from unconscious incompetence to conscious incompetence, and afterward would be conscious incompetence, lastly, unconscious competence.

In conclusion, as a person/manager or leader. We must develop our emotional intelligence due to the role of the position that often has to face the critical situation. In order to focus on how to handle that situation professionally and efficiently. The information from your careful observation can help you adjust to a new process of doing things in an efficient way. When you truly know your emotion, these can be the tools of your motivation. Perhaps, you need to learn a new skill. But you always fall asleep when you read a book. Instead, you listen to an audiobook. The ability to relate to others people as well; when you realize what motivates your employees, you can provide what they need to help them reach their full potential. Continuous self-development is crucial to ourselves and others. The commitment to improve knowledge, skills, and ability. It will help us to fulfill our own potential and talent throughout our life or career. Furthermore, it will help you overcome challenges, and it will give you the flexibility to be able to adapt to any changes that might occur in the future.

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Self-awareness as the Main Factor of Emotional Intelligence. (2023, Mar 21). Retrieved from