Schizophrenia: Mental Illness that Controls how a Person Thinks, Behaves and Feels

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When you have schizophrenia you lose touch with reality. You make things up and start to hallucinate and began to get violent. You can start feeling irritated and get mad easily at the person near or by you. It can be hard to handle a person with schizophrenia they can sometimes be intolerable, when dealing with someone with schizophrenia you need to keep an eye on them at all times.

Schizophrenia normally starts between the ages of 16 and 30, but can happen in early ages normally those cases are rare.

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People who have bad backgrounds or bad past might be in a state of mind that can potentially make someone have symptoms of schizophrenia. People with bipolar illness can have a higher percentage of developing schizophrenia. If have both this is turned into schizoaffective. When someone has schizoaffective it’s like handling to people with schizophrenia, this can become a threat to the person life and you can become violent that you might need to admitted to a psych ward for your protection and others around you. Schizophrenia has been around for thousands of years. This disorder has been happening since B.C. (before christ). When people were found to have this illness they would be killed, there brains would then get taken out and would sit for four days so they “” demons”” could be released from the inner body. They would then examine the body and when nothing was found they would be burned because they were believed to have fallin in the demands hands. These cases are brought or founded all the way back to Egypt.

In United States over 2.6 million adults have schizophrenia. This illness has recently increased but frequently drops over the years. Schizophrenia was voted one of the most dangerous illnesses. It was voted because you imagine dangerous and negative thoughts sometimes and listen to what your mind is saying. You can also have positive schizophrenia which is easier to deal with but can be challenging to handle still. 40 percent of people go undiagnosed which are normally lease major cases and very minor.

You can’t cure this illness but you can take medicines like, antipsychotic and anti-tremor. These will help the symptoms and make it less likely to increase bad behavior or hallucinations. Your mood during having a session of schizophrenia is like anger, anxiety, and detached from self. You start acting different and not yourself. This can last for years or be lifelong. There is no cure but can get better on its own and eventually go away. This doesn’t happen for all people though and is normally rare for people to get rid of this disorder. Doctors say it would be easier for people to be diagnosed with cancer and would be easier to cure then schizophrenia. Which sounds really bad but is true there could be endless reasons in the brain for why this happens and is forever undetermined unless there is a different reason for why this is caused, and has not been found yet.

Schizophrenia has not affected me, but I feel has if someone had this that I’m close to it would definitely affect our relationship. It has to be hard for people who are close to a person with this illness. It takes away there personality and them living life. One way to help your loved one is to be patient, remember their hallucinations seem real, keep positive at all times, also to see if there are receiving treatment. To help them join them in groups, clinical treatments, or psych wards. Depending on how bad the case is will help you decide which one to join. If the case is large or out of control you would preferable want to go to a psych ward. When the case is not as bad you can possibly take them to all of these treatments. You can also read books in your free time to learn more about, ask the doctors questions. If you really want to learn more and educated you can possibly join a study to learn more about options and things to do, when needing to help the person with schizophrenia. This is my illness parer based on schizophrenia.

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Schizophrenia: Mental Illness that Controls How a Person Thinks, Behaves and Feels. (2019, Sep 13). Retrieved from