Same-Sex Relationship

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Updated: Mar 28, 2022
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In the recent controversy surrounding Terry Crew’s tweets regarding children of same-sex couples being “malnourished”, he opens the conversation of whether or not children should be adopted or raised by same-sex couples. For years, the idea of children being raised in same-sex parent households has been a sensitive topic and even more so since gay marriage was legalized in 2015. Some celebrities have scrutinized against same-sex families raising children, using their social media platforms even before Terry Crews. There have been studies that have contradicted Crew’s statement showing that children raised in same-sex parent households have the same quality of life as children raised in heterosexual households.

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Although Terry Crews stated on his Twitter page that “same-sex couples can successfully raise a child”, he contradicts his statement in his following sentence stating, “I believe paternal AND maternal love are like vitamins and minerals to humanity”. After getting backlash from a Twitter user that goes by jakesherondale who states, “love is not gendered. a child will not starve with only one gender loving them”, he replies with, “But they will be severely malnourished” in another tweet. Terry Crews uses ad hominem and verbally attacks the quality of life same-sex parents can offer their children, basically saying that no matter how much love they are given they will always be severely malnourished. A child’s family structure in regard to the gender or sexual premise of the parents has no impact on the amount affection or love a child can receive. Children that grow in same-sex parent households are not malnourished, they can receive the same love and support without having both maternal and paternal love. Yes, both maternal and paternal love are like “vitamins and minerals” and children that have that love do tend to have a better quality of life, but it doesn’t always affect a child when they are lacking one or the other.

The argument that children without both a mother and father is outdated and continues to be brought up time and time again. There is no factual evidence stating that children raised by same-sex parents are lacking love or that they are worse off, in fact it’s quite the opposite. A study done by Stanford researcher Michael Rosenfeld found that there was “no significant differences between households headed by same-sex and opposite-sex parents” (Cornell). It isn’t logical to believe the statement that children without both maternal and paternal love will be severely malnourished. There are no studies proving that and there are many proving children from same-sex homes are just as well off and that there are no significant differences.

Works Cited

Crews, Terry (terrycrews). “I’ve reiterated many times that same sex couples and single parents can successfully raise a child. But I believe paternal AND maternal love are like vitamins and minerals to humanity. No matter where you get that paternal and maternal love. MY purpose is to give paternal love.” 1 Mar 2019, 11:31 AM. Tweet.

Crews, Terry (terrycrews). “But they will be severely malnourished.” 1 Mar 2019, 12:02 PM. Tweet.

Rach (jakesherondale). “love is not gendered. a child will not starve with only one gender loving them.” 1 Mar 2019, 11:36 AM. Tweet.

“What Does the Scholarly Research Say about the Well-Being of Children with Gay or Lesbian Parents?” What We Know, Cornell University, research-say-about-the-wellbeing-of-children-with-gay-or-lesbian-parents/.

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Same-Sex Relationship. (2019, Mar 15). Retrieved from