Reborn to be Alive : Critical Analysis of an Advertisement

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“Becoming a donor is probably your only chance to get inside her.” Reborn to be Alive showcases their slogan proudly across their advertisement as a provocative half-naked woman entices the viewer with her gaze. Being an organ donor means being selfless, having compassion, and altruism; yet being an organ donor isn’t enough sufficiency for a good marketing campaign, thus the sexist direction of their advertisement. Reborn to be Alive meant to capture men’s attention by the use of such sexist slogan and woman.

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The advertisement used a sexually themed strategy to grab the reader’s attention towards their cause.

Immediately, without warning, one’s gaze focuses upon the erotic woman wearing lingerie, sexual gaze calling your name, and her mouth semi-open enticing the viewer for more. The background black as the night, her fair skin thus resonating more, enticing more. Reborn to be Alive’s slogan follows next as it stands right below the main entrée in ever so eloquently white font color. While the direction and ideology of such advertisement is sexist, absurd, and plain idiotic, their organization follows through without charm. My focus moved as they wished. It garnered my attention and held it for minutes on end. Puzzled. Bewildered. But theirs none the less. Hard to believe that a company with such an important message be utilizing such an old-fashioned, disturbing approach. Glorifying sexism as if we’re in the 1940’s. Half-naked woman in her undergarments promoting visually her body rather than the product at face. The implication of sex highly overriding their one true purpose, organ donation.

“Becoming a donor is probably your only chance to get inside her” the advertisement states proudly in white letters. Their purpose is to garner attention and with such bold direct message they obtained it. It implies that men’s only way to be inside, sexually, with her or that of any other woman, is by becoming an organ donor. There audience being men, not even LGBTQ women, as it used euphemistic language to not just imply sex, but specifically penile-vaginal sex, showcases their direct tone and purpose; men need to donate their organs to be with such “unattainable” woman.

The use of Pathos by the company profoundly shapes the advertisement. They wish to emotionally appeal, persuade the audience, to donate their organs by appealing to their sexual desire. Pathos can be seen by the demeanor of the woman and the slogan depicted after her. They wish to appeal emotionally to men, and persuade them to agree with their stance. By showcasing what is socially believed to be desired by men, provocative woman, pathos directly brings fruition upon their goals. Reborn to be Alive declares pathos its best friend upon such advertisement by the use of sexual demeanor to showcase their end cause.

Our American society is used to seeing scantily clad woman being used for advertising. Sex sells. It’s as simple as that and in our American culture; it’s all about the outer appearance rather than the grand picture. The subjectivity from the woman posing in the advertising is being stripped away from her as she is reduced to her body – her looks and sex appeal, yet in our culture that’s normal. We should be up in arms brainstorming a true indefinite solution to such idiotic problems. Organ donation is such a pure and genuine cause, why the need of such sexual direction? The target audience, men, will not see anything wrong with such advertisement as it fulfills their needs. They will continue to reinforce that those against such advertisement are simply jealous, insecure individuals. It is sad to say that many of the public will follow suit upon their mentality. As a society we are already brainwashed with such propaganda that to go against it is obscure and murky, to say the least.

Promoting a good cause such as organ donation, does not grant the license to use whatever means to market the cause. Sexualizing, objectifying, and commodifying a woman to promote organ donations is unacceptable. Reborn to be Alive used such underlying sexist and misogynist messages embedded in their advertisement. It is important to expose the subtle and not-so-subtle sexist and misogynist ideology informing and ingrained in such advertisement to move forward as a country, culture, and human beings. Being an organ donor should be enough of a stance to garner a second look from the viewer, there should of never been a need to resort to such low statutes. Reborn to be Alive used sexual themed strategy to grab the reader’s attention towards organ donation and as a society we must try to understand and thus better our culture to understand that a stance is good enough as is. Sometimes we simply don’t need the cherry on top of the sundae.

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Reborn to be Alive : Critical Analysis of an Advertisement. (2021, Mar 13). Retrieved from