Proponents Argue
Proponents argue that cell phones can be crucial in case of an emergency. Unfortunately, the society we live in today is no stranger to crime. On everyday life, one is not exempt from being in a potentially dangerous situation. Teenagers go to school and it is true that many have to walk. An emergency can occur on the way to or from school. As part of their social life, teenagers also tend to explore. They can find themselves lost and in need of technology.
An article published by the Child Development Institute, The Pros and Cons of Giving a Mobile Phone to a Teenager, states, “In potentially dangerous circumstances, such as being stranded somewhere, having a cell phone handy could be a lifesaver (Mayers 1). This goes to show that having a cellphone can be proven necessary and could ultimately ensure whether or not one receives immediate help.
Owning a cell phone can also teach responsibility to teenagers. Teenagers must learn how to take care of their phones and how to use them with responsibility. According to Foziya Khan, author of an article that aligns the pros and cons of children owning phones, if the parents set guidelines on cell phone usage, teenagers will have to learn to use the mobile device within the established limits. This will ultimately teach responsibility because the parents will hold the child accountable for meeting the expectations. Teenagers will learn that having a cell phone is something important that requires them to stay alert.
Cell phones can actually increase the communication between parents and their teenage children. The devices allow parents to stay in touch with their children and constantly know their whereabouts. The article, 18 Essential Pros, and Cons of Cell Phones says, “If a child needs to stay after school or needs a ride, he will be able to call his dad or mom to let them know his situation (Adams 1). The parents can easily reach out to their children and vice versa. They can also communicate about other topics. They can have a family chat were all members can stay in touch. Parents and teenagers alike can have a better communication through using their mobile devices.
On the other hand, opponents of cell phone usage argue that an excessive use of phones can lead to various health problems in teenagers. Having quick access to a phone can distract teenagers from being productive and completing their school work. This leads to an increase in stress and fatigue. According to 7 Negative Effects of Mobile Phones on Teenagers, “Teenagers are totally addicted to texting. Excess messaging can lead to Teen Tendonitis (TTT) (Arshi 1). TTT can cause pain in the hands, back, and even neck. Teen Tendonitis can lead to impaired vision and, in the long run, arthritis. The use of phones is also highly connected to sleep deprivation. Psychologists say that teenagers feel a need to remain “reachable in their social platforms. Lack of sleep can then lead to serious problem. It damages one’s immune system and increases the risk for chronic illnesses.
To the naked eye cell phones appear harmless, yet they can lead to serious health issues.
Mobile devices can increase the risk of addiction in a teenage mind. Technology addiction has been increasingly common over the last few decades. The introduction of modern smartphones, expensive computers, and practical tablets have made technology greatly accessible. Teenagers no longer enjoy outdoor activities. While the last generation may have enjoyed a day in the park with friends, teens have resolved to text and social media as methods of entertainment. According to Half of the Teens Think They Are Addicted to Their Smartphones, “Fifty percent of teens feel that they are addicted to their mobile devices (Wallace 1). This percentage only increases in the polls done to the parents. This addiction to cell phones has led to the term “Teenage Zombies. Teenagers are constantly checking their phones; they don’t pay attention to what is happening around them.
Cell phones have increased the amount of cheating during exams. It has become a major problem in plenty of public schools. Technology has facilitated the access to the internet and therefore answers. In a typical classroom environment, there is only one teacher with possibly 20-30 students. It is impossible for the teacher to supervise all students. It is not too hard for students to use their cell phones to look up answers for a test. They can also write notes on their phones and use them to cheat. This only decreases the learning for the students. If they feel that their cell phone is all they need for an exam, they will not pay attention to the lessons that are given to them. There will be no real learning and the students will never truly master the material presented. This will only harm them when they do something bigger, like state testing, where there is much more monitoring. School and keeping good grades will seem much harder in college.
Proponents Argue. (2019, Apr 11). Retrieved from