Perception in the Mirror: Understanding Society through Reflected Appraisal

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Updated: Nov 17, 2023
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The concept of reflected appraisal might sound like a term reserved for the therapist’s office or the quiet musings of a philosopher, but it’s far more ubiquitous than that. At its core, reflected appraisal is a simple idea: our self-image is significantly shaped by how we believe others view us. Like a mirror reflecting our image back to us, the feedback we receive from those around us can alter our perception of who we are.

From a young age, we are taught to navigate the world with a certain awareness of how others perceive us.

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Parents, teachers, peers — each one holds up a mirror to our actions, and the reflections we see can bolster or bruise our developing sense of self. This is not just psychological jargon; it’s a daily reality. When a parent beams with pride at a child’s accomplishment, that child puffs up with self-confidence. When a teacher’s criticism is sharp, a student may shrink, their self-esteem withering under the cold appraisal.

But reflected appraisal isn’t merely about individual interactions. It reaches into every corner of our social lives. Think of the teenager adjusting their clothes to fit in with a certain crowd, or the employee adopting the jargon of their new workplace to be perceived as competent. These are all ways we alter our sails to better catch the winds of societal approval.

There is a certain mutability to self-perception here, implying that our self-concept is, to some degree, a social construction. Charles Horton Cooley coined the term ‘the looking glass self’ which eloquently encapsulates this phenomenon. We see ourselves through the looking glass of other people’s perceptions, and these visions can either confirm or deny our own self-evaluations.

In a sense, reflected appraisal acts as a societal echo chamber where the messages we receive about ourselves are amplified. A young artist might come to see themselves as talented through the admiration of their work, just as a child might internalize a sense of misbehavior through constant reprimands. It becomes apparent that the power of reflected appraisal can be profoundly formative or equally destructive.

What’s particularly interesting is how this process plays out over a lifetime. It’s not static; as we grow and evolve, so too does the feedback we receive. The rebellious teen may grow into a respected activist, their self-concept transforming as reflected appraisals shift from negative to positive. Or, consider the effects of a culture that often appraises individuals based on unattainable standards of beauty or success, leaving many to grapple with self-esteem issues when they find their reflections don’t match up.

There’s a complexity to reflected appraisal, too, that defies a simple understanding. Sometimes, we reject the appraisals of others, especially if they clash with our self-view. Other times, we might internalize a false image, seeing ourselves not as we are, but as we believe we are expected to be. The dance between self-perception and external input is intricate and deeply personal.

Perhaps the most pressing implication of reflected appraisal is in the realm of social interaction and mental health. If we consistently receive negative appraisals, it can lead to a diminished self-concept. This is why interventions that challenge and change negative social mirrors can be so transformative. Counseling, supportive relationships, positive community environments — these can all act as corrective lenses, helping individuals to develop a more positive and accurate self-concept.

In considering reflected appraisal, we must also acknowledge the era of social media, where the mirrors held up to us are vast and varied. Likes, shares, and comments become the currency of appraisal, with the potential to distort self-perception — for better or worse.

Reflected appraisal, then, is more than an academic concept. It’s a recognition of the interplay between society and self, a window into understanding how individuals shape and are shaped by the reflections they perceive. It underscores the importance of positive reinforcement, the need for critical self-reflection, and the power of society to mold individual identities.

Understanding the dynamics of reflected appraisal offers a pathway to compassion. It empowers us to be mindful of the mirrors we hold up to others and ourselves, reminding us of the profound impact our perceptions and appraisals have on the individuals we interact with every day. It’s a call to seek clarity in the reflections we give and receive, and in doing so, foster a more empathetic and self-aware society.

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Perception in the Mirror: Understanding Society Through Reflected Appraisal. (2023, Nov 17). Retrieved from