Childish Gambino’s “This is America”: a Mirror to Contemporary Society

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Updated: Oct 26, 2023
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The realm of music has often been a powerful medium for socio-political discourse. From Bob Dylan’s anti-war anthems to Nina Simone’s civil rights ballads, artists have used their platforms to comment on the world around them. Into this tradition steps Childish Gambino, the musical alter ego of multi-talented artist Donald Glover, with his 2018 single “This Is America.” More than just a song, it is a poignant commentary, a visual spectacle, and a reflection of the tumultuous landscape of modern America.

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At the song’s outset, the melodic tones might deceive the listener into thinking they’re about to embark on a joyful musical journey. This mirage is shattered by sudden gun violence, a juxtaposition that becomes a recurring theme throughout the video. This technique encapsulates the unpredictability and volatility of the issues Glover aims to address. The listener is jolted from complacency, compelled to confront uncomfortable truths.

The lyrics and the accompanying video for “This Is America” are rife with symbolism. The most apparent theme is the country’s relationship with gun violence. Guns are handled with care, reverence even, contrasted sharply against the disregard for human life. This disparity is a harrowing reflection of the numerous incidents of gun violence that have plagued the nation, from school shootings to police-related incidents. But Glover doesn’t stop there. Amidst the chaos in the background, references to racial discrimination, the monetization of churches, and the influence of social media can also be discerned, painting a comprehensive picture of a nation grappling with multifaceted issues.

Yet, what makes “This Is America” particularly striking is its utilization of dance and music as both a distraction and a medium of expression. As Glover and the accompanying dancers move through the warehouse where the video is set, their infectious rhythms and captivating moves draw the viewer’s attention. However, this is a double-edged sword. While the dancing reflects the rich tapestry of African and American cultural heritage, it also serves as a distraction from the mayhem unfolding in the background. Here, Glover might be commenting on how entertainment, often featuring Black artists, can be used to divert attention from more pressing racial and societal issues.

Another significant aspect of “This Is America” is its deliberate engagement with the viewer. Glover makes direct eye contact with the camera multiple times, making it impossible to detach or view the video as a mere passive observer. This approach forces introspection, asking the viewer to consider their own complicity or indifference to the issues being highlighted.

The song ends with Glover running, a look of sheer terror on his face, chased by a faceless crowd. It’s a chilling conclusion that can be interpreted in many ways. Some see it as a representation of the relentless weight of history, racism, and societal expectations that Black individuals must navigate. Others view it as a commentary on the cyclical and inescapable nature of the issues America faces.

In conclusion, “This Is America” by Childish Gambino is not just a song or a music video; it’s a cultural moment. It encapsulates the zeitgeist of contemporary America, forcing viewers and listeners to confront the complexities of a nation at odds with itself. Through a tapestry of symbolism, dance, and lyrical prowess, Glover has crafted a piece that will undoubtedly be dissected, discussed, and remembered for years to come. In doing so, he continues the rich tradition of artists using their platforms to shed light on the world around them, reminding us of the power of art to reflect, challenge, and change society.

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Childish Gambino's "This Is America": A Mirror to Contemporary Society. (2023, Oct 26). Retrieved from