Oppression and Discrimination Among LGBT Community

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Historical Aspects of LGBT’s

Lesbian, gays, bi-sexual and transgender individuals are no new discovery and have been present for many years in modern American history. But the same unresolved issues are sending the LGBT community into oppression. With the LGBT community expanding all over the world and becoming more publicly known and forced to be sought as normal; it has initiated controversy because LGBT individuals feel that America should welcome their reality; while others believe LGBT Acts are unruly. The widespread of the LGBT community is now, more than ever causing an uproar; effecting individual in today’s society, those attending school, and adults in the workplace.

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The LGBT community remains in a state of oppression as they make continuous efforts to be sought as equals in what is known to be a predominately heterosexual world. LGBT’s are facing backlash discrimination and are cut off from the same opportunities as those who are heterosexual solely based upon the way they identify their sexual orientation.

Importance of Discussing the Topic of LGBT Oppression

It is important that we continue to discuss the topic of LGBT oppression because knowledge is power. Becoming more knowledgeable of this topic may help to eliminate reoccurring issues that correspond from it. It could lead to more opportunities for the LGBT community, change the way people view LGBT individuals and their purpose, and allowing people to learn to understand LGBT’s point of view, may even help save lives. It is best not to judge a book by its cover, or better yet to not judge anyone at all. It would be helpful to educate oneself on things like understanding what trans* oppression is and knowing that its meaning is most easily understood as the marginalization and exclusion for individuals who prefer to not identify themselves into the category of man or women (Adams,2018). This could possible help society to realize that trans* reasonings are no different than from a woman not wanting to be categorized by her gender to determine her capability to complete tasks in the work place. Everyone’s goal is to be treated as equals. This requires little to no effort; but huge efforts are taken in order to strip and shame individuals because of their sexual identity preference. If people choose to not want to categorized themselves based on their sexual orientation, the have the right to do so. According to Adams (2018) Some trans* people openly refuse to disregard, hide, or reject the complexity of their gender past for others’ comfort. Although, overtime more and more LGBT individuals have no problem when it comes to publicizing their sexuality; many people feel that their expressions have no room/place in society, schools, and the workplace.

Issues Related to LGBT Oppression

Issues in Society

All over the world LGBT’s are refusing to no longer keep their private lives a secret; they are becoming more noticeable in society, in schools and in the workplace. In order for them to be heard, whether good or bad, they also have to listen to what people are saying. It is no secret that the LGBT community’s outreach has been causing issues within society as they make continuous effort to be treated as normal individuals. One major issue the LGBT oppression faces in society as result from publicly expressing their sexuality preferences are becoming victim of violence and hate crimes. According to Adams (2018), trans* people experience threats and acts of violence as fueled by the conscious and unconscious fear of those who disrupt gender norms. In other words, most likely the people who fear those who disrupt gender norms cause fear to the people who are disrupting gender norms because they may have a lack of understanding and do not take the time to view trans* points of view. Why is it okay for society to rule out what is and isn’t normal? What does it even mean to be a part of the norm? Ask 3 different people what the norm is, and more than likely, there will be 3 different interpretations. LGBT oppression faces issues in society because of the effect society has on molding the next generation for the future. The future starts with the next generation enrolling in the school system and LGBT oppression has already begun to cause issues in education.

Issues in Education

Not only does the LGBT community face reoccurring issue when placed in the public eye of society, but it has begun to cause issues in the school system and is impacting individual’s education. In the year of 2015, the state of Columbia conducted a survey in three schools ranging from elementary to high school students between the ages of 8-18 who identify as LGBT. Results of the surveys have shown that because of the gender students prefer to be identified has, as caused them to be bullied and receive all types of harassment. The results display, that of the 62 LGBT students asked to complete the survey; 85% of them have experiences verbal harassment, 58% of them have experienced bullying while on school grounds, 38% of them have experienced electronic or cyber bullying, and 46% have experienced physical attacks while on school grounds (Dowd,2018). In states like Columbia, little to no efforts have been made successful in ways to lower the rate of discrimination and attacks on children while attending school. The continuous occurrence of intentional threats and attacks from those who oppose LGBT individuals arising in places of education, forecasts a light on the possibility that a child enrolled into the school system seeking to learn; may encounter limitations and repercussion when trying to seek the same education as heterosexual students because of the way they choose to identify their gender. Issues LGBT oppression as caused in education result in harassment, bullying, suicides, increased rates of absenteeism, lower GPA, and many more. Many states in the U.S have a long way to go when it comes to decreasing the harmful impacts LGBT oppression has on the school system and the way it has allowed this oppression to impact students education.

The same LGBT oppression issues that lie in the school system effecting both LGBT and heterosexual student’s education continues into adulthood and impacts LGBT employees in the workplace. Issue are continuously on the rise in business corporations as the expanding LGBT oppression enters into the workplace. The impact LGBT oppression has on the workplace encounters conflict. According to Ecker (2017), U.S congress has failed to pass legislation in all states protecting LGBT employees from discrimination. In most states this allows for a business to have the right to either hire or fire a person based on their preferred gender identity. Although there is in fact a Civil Rights Act of 1964, better known as Title VII stating that it is unlawful for employees to be discriminated upon because of his/hers race, sex, or preferred gender orientation; does not mean it does not happen and that the LGBT oppression issues in the workplace are not getting bigger as years progress. Issues that may arise from a LGBT individual for sharing with colleges at work may result in losing out on valuable promotions which causes them to not be able to truly express themselves, keep secrets, and hide their private lives from their job and coworkers. Three major issues LGBT employees encounter while at work are; certain business not allowing for employees to receive health insurance that covers Domestic or same sex partners, Harassment and Discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity, and the fear of consequence the LGBT employee may encounter by reporting acts of harassment and discrimination in the workplace. LGBT employees are losing their jobs left and right upon making the decision to publicly express their sexual orientation at work. In some state’s LGBT employees have not only lost their jobs and health benefits, but have been subject to imprisonment for being homosexual. Many cooperation’s feel that employing LGBT’s, tarnishes company brands and could cause profit loss; which eliminates one issue by causing another.

Towards Social Justice

In order for the LGBT oppression to completely end, there is still a lot to be done. In society, Change will have to come from parties that are for the LGBT community and parties that are against the LGBT community. LGBT individual should continue to make positive efforts in letting their voices be heard but should not forget to not force their reality on people who do not understand or want to understand their views. Efforts can be made to address the issue in society by continuing non-violent rallies and parades to express themselves and let the world know that they aren’t going anywhere. Society can then retaliate by either joining the cause or keeping their opinions to themselves. Those in society who are against the LGBT’s have to work on changing their view point. To understand others situation before casting judgement is better then casting judgment on someone because they do not express things in a way that one may feel is “the norm”. Ways to address the issues LGBT oppression has in education and the workplace can be made by enforcing guidelines such as what is considered appropriate behavior in school and at work, and enforcing dress codes. There should be no forms of discrimination in school and/or at a place of business. To eliminate accusations, stating guidelines and rules is a code of ethics and those who disobey will suffer the consequences. If everyone is presented with the does and don’t, then no one can feel singled out. There is a time and place for everything and the school and work place are a time for hard work and dedication. There is no room for anyone to be side tracked and unfocused, whether LGBT or heterosexual. Every individual is there for one purpose; to either learn, or use their skills to get paid. There is no time for single handed distractions!

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Oppression and Discrimination Among LGBT Community. (2021, Jul 10). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/oppression-and-discrimination-among-lgbt-community/