Nick Carraway: a Critical Lens into ‘The Great Gatsby’

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Updated: Nov 24, 2023
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Nick Carraway is a pivotal character in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s beloved book “The Great Gatsby,” as well as the story’s narrator. Readers are thrown into the opulent, hedonistic world of 1920s America via Nick’s eyes, a time characterized by moral depravity and post-war affluence. This article examines Nick Carraway’s persona, his function in the book, and the ways in which he offers a distinctive viewpoint on the plot’s developments and main ideas.

From a wealthy but unglamorous Midwestern family, Nick Carraway relocates to New York in order to get experience in the bond industry.

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In West Egg, Long Island, he leases a modest home next to the lavish estate of the mysterious protagonist of the book, Jay Gatsby. As the story progresses, Nick serves as the other characters’ confidant and a medium for their tales to be shared. Because of his apparent honesty and Midwestern sensibility, which set him apart from the other characters, the reader finds him to be a trustworthy narrator.

The moral compass in “The Great Gatsby” is one of Nick’s most important functions. His Midwesterner upbringing has impacted his ideals and opinions, which contrast sharply with the excesses and moral ambiguities of the elite on the East Coast. The opulent lifestyle that Nick observes—exemplified by his affluent neighbor Gatsby and his cousin Daisy Buchanan and her husband Tom—both fascinates and repulses him. Fitzgerald is able to explore themes of love, striving, and disappointment while also criticizing the materialism and moral rot of the times because of Nick’s character dualism.

In the book, Nick and Gatsby’s relationship is the main focus. He is captivated by Gatsby’s magnetism and his unwavering quest of his goal, which is exemplified by his love for Daisy. Nick is aware of Gatsby’s dream’s intrinsic corruption and futility, however. His narrative offers a fair-minded interpretation of Gatsby, showing him to be both a tragically misguided romantic figure and a severely broken person.

In addition, Nick’s function as the narrator is essential to developing the novel’s thematic depth and structure. His narrative approach, which is contemplative and introspective, enables a detailed examination of the individuals and the historical societal processes. Nick is not just narrating what happened; he is also dissecting it, often with sorrow and retrospect. This method of telling stories adds richness and depth to the book, making it more than just a collection of events told.

Fitzgerald also uses Nick as a vehicle for his condemnation of the American Dream. Fitzgerald illustrates the hollowness and unachievability of the ideal that Gatsby, and therefore, the society of the 1920s, is pursuing via Nick’s disappointment and final choice to return to the Midwest. Nick’s transition from excitement to disappointment reflects the disillusionment that many people experienced when the Roaring Twenties gave way to the Great Depression after World War I.

To sum up, Nick Carraway is a key character in “The Great Gatsby,” acting as the perspective that the narrative is seen through. His moral assessments, introspective storytelling, and Midwestern ideals provide a critical viewpoint on the book’s topics and characters. Fitzgerald is able to examine the intricacies of the American Dream, the moral deterioration of the 1920s, and the never-ending quest for happiness and love because to Nick’s character. Nick Carraway plays both a participant and a spectator in the narrative, and his inclusion is crucial to appreciating the complexity and subtleties of Fitzgerald’s masterwork.

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Nick Carraway: A Critical Lens into 'The Great Gatsby'. (2023, Nov 24). Retrieved from