New World by Christopher Columbus

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The island of Hispaniola was New World state settled by Spain. Christopher Columbus first “discovered” the island in 1492 near the completion of his first voyage to “the Indies.” He had no idea where he landed and did not know what to expect. Columbus and the ones who followed him found the island controlled by a tremendous masses of welcoming Taino Indians also known as “Arawaks”, who graciously took in the pioneers. The Taíno were the first Native Americans to encounter the Spanish.

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Columbus recorded in his diary that the natives “would easily be made Christians because it seemed to me that they had no religion.” Religion was an important practice in the Spanish colonies. When Columbus returned in 1493 he was shocked when he found out that the settlement he had left behind was no longer there. Some of the men who stayed behind had fought with the Taino Indians and were killed. Other crewmembers had become sick from diseases they had not been previously exposed to, and some were unable to cope with the harsh environment of the Caribbean.

Europeans were not known for their religious resilience. The day preceding Columbus left Spain, the majority of the Jews in Spain were required to leave. Amid the time that Columbus was planning for his voyage, an expected 30,000 Spanish Jews were scorched at the stake for their inability to change over to Catholicism. The Taíno had complex various leveled religious, political, and social frameworks. Talented ranchers and guides, they composed music and made capably expressive items. During Columbus’ investigation, the Taíno were the vastest amount of indigenous individuals of the Caribbean and possessed what are presently Cuba, Jamaica, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. By 1550, the Taíno were near eradication, many having capitulated to illnesses brought by the Spaniards.

Taíno impacts endure, notwithstanding, and today show up in the convictions, religions, language, and music of Caribbean societies. The Taíno lived in settlements called “yucayeques”, which changed in size contingent upon the area. Those in Puerto Rico and Hispaniola were the biggest, and those in the Bahamas were the littlest. In the focal point of a normal town was a focal square, utilized for different social exercises, for example, recreations, celebrations, religious customs, and open services. These courts had numerous shapes, including oval, rectangular, slender, and stretched. Services where the deeds of the precursors were praised, called “areitos”, were performed here. The Taíno made an entangled religious framework that incorporated a progressive system of gods, which included Yucahu, the preeminent Creator and the ruler of cassava and the ocean and Atabey, the goddess of new water and human fruitfulness, just as Yucahu’s mom. The Taíno trusted that zemis, divine forces of both genders, spoken to by both human and creature shapes, gave assurance. Their religion allowed them to be strong and believe that they would win over their colonizers. Their beleif in being protected and sharing their culture throughout their young allowed them to hold hope during the oppression the Spaniards brought. After Columbus had returned to Europe and people learned about his accomplishments, the great courts of Portugal and Spain, fought about who owned what from the new territories. Pope Alexander VI wandered in to understand the problem. Clerical bulls by Pope Alexander VI surrendered Spain and Portugal, most of the landscapes in the Americas which were not under Christian rule.

Thusly began the European assumption that the neighborhood people of the locale did not in any way shape or form have the land since they were not Christian.“barbarous nations be overthrown and brought to the faith itself.” While Pope Alexander VI believed “We trust in Him from whom empires, and governments, and all good things proceed.” This belief allowed that government only came from the Christian God and thus nations that are not under Christian rule have a legal right to be ruled over by a Christian nation. Under Spanish impact, the whole island bore the name Santo Domingo. The want for gold was so high that the spanish relaized they could use the indigneous people of the island and utilized them. Pilgrims came to the island in search for treasures but while doing so their relations with the Taino Indians, whom they brutally mistreated, began to turn sideways.

Horrified by what they were witnessing the Taino indians revolted – just to be beat unequivocally in 1495. Columbus then implemented The repartimiento framework and this did nothing to improve the bundle of the Indians, and the Spanish crown switched it by setting up the game-plan of encomienda in 1503. Under the encomienda structure, all land progressed toward getting the chance to be on a key dimension the property of the crown, and the Indians in that capacity were viewed as occupants on imperial land. The crown’s capability to assistance from the tenants could be moved in trust to singular Spanish pioneers by formal grant and the standard segment of tribute. The “encomenderos” have possessed all the necessary qualities for certain all-encompassing lengths of work from the Indians, who changed into their charges. Encomenderos in this way recognized the duty of obliging the physical accomplishment of the Indians and for their bearing in Christianity.

In Hispaniola, a Taíno chieftain named Enriquillo assembled and army of a couple thousand Taino in defiance during the 1520s. These Taíno were granted land and a sanction from the regal organization. Regardless of the little Spanish military nearness in the district, they frequently utilized strategic divisions and, with assistance from ground-breaking local partners, controlled the vast majority of the area In return for regular pay, religious and language instruction, the Taíno were required to work for Spanish and Indian land proprietors. This arrangement of work was a piece of the encomienda. Later during the 1540s, the Taino people began to lose their population and became nearly extinct, this was all due to the conflicts and colonization of the Spaniards. Religion kept this population alive and the connections of their religious ceremonies allowed them to be even closer. Religion allows for people to believe in something and to be closer with one’s culture but it can also destroy civilizations such as how the Spaniards used their religion and power to do so in colonizing the Caribbean islands.

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New World by Christopher Columbus. (2021, Apr 03). Retrieved from