Natural Disasters Throughout South America

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Throughout South America, there is widespread poverty. The continent is also very susceptible to natural disasters. Unfortunately, these two negative characteristics do not work well together and can destroy any country that wields them. Venezuela and Peru in Latin America are two countries that are impoverished. The GDP per capita in Venezuela is $13,200, and in Peru, it’s $10,700. Although these numbers are low, there are, regrettably, countries with even lower numbers. In both countries, however, the life expectancy rate and literacy rate are high, with people living on average for 73 years and about 93% of the population being able to read and write.

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Of course, there are dozens of countries in the world with higher rates, but I think for South America, this is pretty good. Earthquakes are common in Venezuela; this happens to be the most recent natural disaster to occur in the country. There are no reported deaths, though. In Peru, flooding occurs frequently and is also the most recent natural disaster to occur there, in the Arequipa region. Six people died in the flooding damage.

I could not find any information for either country about any systems or programs implemented to deal with potential natural disasters that can cause a significant amount of damage. If these countries hope to prevent future disaster tolls, they must establish more “buffers” to reduce the results of a natural disaster or, at least, reliable restoration from the damage. I think both countries would benefit from a contingency fund that can be used to alleviate the destruction of natural disasters. Also, they could establish a natural disaster team composed of construction and sanitation workers who would voluntarily work to restore their country. The feasibility of these programs is debatable, especially the first; the real question is: where will the money come for such a fund in such poor countries? This is the only real problem; taxes could be implemented, but I am sure that citizens already struggle to pay those with their low income. The second idea seems rather realistic, but it all depends on who is willing to join this team to lend a helping hand.

I think it should be the government’s responsibility to highlight how vulnerable people truly are in impoverished countries like Venezuela and Peru. Their power allows them to make the entire world aware of the facts. However, the individuals who feel that they are vulnerable and that things are not properly handled to reduce their vulnerability should definitely voice their concerns more, so the government hears their pleas. Large groups can achieve significant changes, especially in the form of protests directed at the government to get them to act for the benefit of the people. I do not believe that Venezuela and Peru, as a whole, are fully aware of the relation between poverty and natural disasters; they have no programs in place, and there does not seem to be any advancement toward a relief system according to my research. It is likely due to the governments’ self-interest (which is an issue in many countries) and their lack of concern for the poor and vulnerable. I also believe that ordinary people just do not know what to do to help themselves; I saw a picture during my research that showed police officers merely observing as civilians helped others out of danger as a result of Peru’s flooding. Isn’t that their job? It is confusing to me.

Global warming will affect the entire world. In Peru, the flooding will certainly increase as a result of the melting of polar ice caps. The continent of South America is so close to Antarctica, it might as well be a direct hit from them. Although Venezuela is in northern South America and to the east of the central strip connecting it with North America, it may not increase the risk of earthquakes, but temperatures will certainly be augmented, as in most of the world. In both regions, the weather will definitely be affected. Global warming is unavoidable; perhaps natural disaster programs can work to reverse its effects in addition to their main goals.

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Natural Disasters Throughout South America. (2022, Nov 20). Retrieved from