My Opinion about Homelessness

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Systemic forces conspire to push people toward the streets, weaving a web of poverty, inequality, and institutional failure that traps millions in its strands. Contrary to some misconceptions, homeless people do not typically choose this lifestyle; instead, it is frequently the result of unforeseen misfortune. Therefore, it is imperative that society approaches this issue with empathy and active support, avoiding social isolation, pity, and job insecurity. By learning from the experiences of others, we can foster a more inclusive and compassionate community.

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Unique Stories

Every homeless person has a unique story that underscores the complexity of this issue. Consider the case of a ten-year-old boy whose life was upended by a natural disaster. His home was destroyed, his father died from the shock, and his mother was incarcerated with no hope of release. Initially taken in by relatives, he faced abuse and eventually fled to the streets. Now nineteen, he remains homeless, his tragic story highlighting that homelessness is often not a choice but a consequence of circumstances beyond one's control. Many people wrongly associate homelessness with crime and drug addiction, yet a significant number are victims of natural disasters and ensuing job losses. The devastation wrought by hurricanes and fires has left many without homes for years, illustrating that natural disasters are a significant cause of homelessness.

Rising Homelessness

Homelessness is increasing at an alarming rate worldwide, exacerbated by frequent natural disasters. Thousands of men, women, and children find themselves living in makeshift camps in the streets, cars, and under bridges, even in some of the world's wealthiest cities. This reality underscores that anyone can become homeless at any time. The frequent occurrence of natural disasters can instantaneously render individuals homeless, a harsh reality many fail to consider until it is too late. Many of those now homeless never anticipated such a drastic change in their fortunes.

Social Perceptions The societal response to homelessness often compounds the psychological trauma experienced by those affected. Homeless individuals frequently endure social segregation, discriminatory remarks, and body language that conveys disdain, further diminishing their self-worth. Such treatment is unjust, as it fails to recognize that these individuals did not bring misfortune upon themselves. It is essential to treat the homeless with kindness and support, acknowledging the psychological and emotional challenges they face following such drastic changes in their lives.

Psychological Impact

The sudden shift from being fortunate to homeless is an emotionally taxing experience. Those who once lived comfortably struggle with feelings of humiliation, reduced self-esteem, and the inability to afford basic necessities. These challenges are compounded by societal pity and disparagement. The least fortunate individuals can do is refrain from adding to the trauma with judgmental words or actions. Empathy and understanding are crucial to alleviating their suffering.

Importance of Saving

In light of the unpredictability of life, it is crucial to cultivate the habit of saving. If your assets are solely tied to your home, it is wise to start saving today, for "today is the tomorrow we thought about yesterday." The importance of financial preparedness cannot be overstated, as it can serve as a safeguard against unexpected hardships.

Need for Affordable Housing

The dwindling stock of affordable housing exacerbates homelessness. Developers increasingly focus on luxury condos for affluent clients, driving up housing costs and pushing more people onto the streets. As vulnerability increases, government intervention becomes essential. Authorities can build publicly owned housing to support the homeless and provide job training and vocational skills. Additionally, government assistance in the form of food, clothing, and protection can help mitigate the risks faced by homeless individuals, such as sexual assault.


In conclusion, homelessness is not a choice but a consequence of uncontrollable circumstances. Society must refrain from judging those affected as architects of their misfortune. Instead, we should extend generous assistance and compassion. By helping when possible, engaging in meaningful conversations, and offering love and support, we can make a difference. Do not wait until homelessness affects you personally to take action. Choose to learn from the experiences of others and contribute to a more empathetic and supportive society. An act of kindness, after all, can be transformative.

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My Opinion about Homelessness. (2019, Nov 18). Retrieved from