Struggle for same Sex Marriage Equality

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Marriage is a responsibility between two people. That is a practically widespread idea. What that responsibility involves in any case, is differed from culture to culture. In recent America, marriage is a commitment of faithfulness and love. It is an official contract binding two individuals together furnishing them with the advantages of marriage, for example, emergency medical rights and tax reductions. But gays and lesbians are reliably denied rights that are ordinarily underestimated by the normal American. In particular, gay and lesbians couples are denied the privilege to wedding regardless of whether they are an upstanding resident of the United States.

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The inquiry affecting America today is whether the rights to these advantages and duties ought to be stretched out to individuals of a similar sex. The appropriate response is just, why not? Legitimizing same sex marriage is the correct decision for America since it is economically, politically, socially, and morally the choice that will improve the United States.

Same sex marriage is being acknowledged and authorized in an ever increasing number of nations around the globe like Germany and Norway. Legalizing same sex marriage would improve the impression of America across the big nations of the world. America is known by the rest of the world as a position of extremism and prejudice. Martin Luther King gave his “I Have a Dream” speech one hundred thirty-one years after England liberated slaves. Since the Civil Rights Movement, African Americans are as yet underprivileged in some areas of the United States. These things indirectly affects America’s reputation around the world. On the other hand if the United States authorized same sex marriage, it would be an inspiration to the countries of the world that America is prepared to go along with them in a modern and equivalent society. This thought of equivalent society applies universally, however locally also. The United States does not lawfully perceive the privileges of gay and lesbian couples. Authorizing same sex marriage would satisfy the assurances of the U.S. Constitution that all men and women are made equivalent and reserve the privileges to life, freedom, and the pursuit of happiness. It would enable same sex couples to demonstrate their constructive outcome on society and make an increasingly peaceful and tolerant society.

In this modern world, there are hundreds of state and national organizations that support the legalization of same sex marriage. The one I am inspired by and share common values and beliefs is the GLBTQ Legal Advocates and Defenders. This is a non profit legal rights organization who supports same sex marriage and has an aim to eradicate discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. Civil rights have never been anything but difficult to win. Battling for them takes enthusiasm, expertise and a flat out assurance to win. That is the thing that GLAD conveys each and every day. GlAD’s intense and powerful promotion has accomplished scores of points of reference setting legitimate triumphs to end separation dependent on sexual orientation and HIV status profiting people, couples and families across New England and the United States. Each time GLAD contends a case or handles an issue, they tear down a greater amount of the obsolete laws and generalizations that have denied LGBTQ individuals and individuals living with HIV essential securities and openings in all areas of everyday life – family, school, business, housing, government, human services, and beyond. Regardless of whether it’s marriage for same-sex couples, non-segregation arrangements for transgender individuals in the work environment, or insurances for individuals living with HIV, GLAD doesn’t shrivel from extreme issues. The most important thing I like about this organization is how they support and come forward regarding any issues of the same sex and they provide all legal help to them. Another good thing about them is that they organize rallies for the support of sexual orientation and this is very beneficial as it can improve the mentality of some different caste people who don’t believe in same sex marriage.

If same sex couples are given the privilege to wedding, they ought to have the right to adopt kids together and raise families. Some people fight that bringing children up in a marriage with a mother and mother or father and father separates family esteems. It has likewise been recommended that bringing a kid up in an equivalent sex marriage makes that kid gay. Neither of these contentions is legitimate. Numerous gay couples have officially received and brought up kids, and these youngsters have turned out as fit as a fiddle, ordinary, heterosexual kids. Having youngsters being removed from child care and being raised by a couple of adoring, steady guardians would never be inconvenient for our society. The most imperative piece of bringing up kids to wind up cheerful and beneficial individuals from society is to give a cherishing environment where they feel safe. Having two adoring guardians for a child is more important than judging the sexual orientation of those guardians.

There may be many people and organizations who may have different and concerning views on the legalization of same sex marriage. It isn’t morally right to advise two individuals who are willing to spend their lives together that they can’t be married. Numerous individuals would differ with these statements. People who are against same sex marriage would likewise source the Bible, which says marriage is between a man and a lady. They argue that gay individuals can’t be married on the grounds that God would not permit it. The Bible additionally says that the holy union of marriage ought not be separated by divorce. Following the equivalent line of thinking that same sex marriage ought to be unlawful in light of the fact that it isn’t religiously right would likewise persuade that heterosexual separation between man and woman ought to be illegal. There is nowhere written about homosexuality in the Holy Bible and Jesus has never mentioned anything about it. To choose and pick which laws of the Bible ought to be upheld and which shouldn’t invalidate the point of referencing the Holy Bible. Unless if heterosexual people are happy to surrender the privilege to divorce, same sex marriage ought to be legitimate. Moreover, religion should have no impact upon government rules and laws. This country requires a separation of the state and the church, and to enable religion to be a central factor in a government law isn’t just unethical but unlawful.

Over the years there has been a significant change in the opinion of same sex marriage. With increased awareness more than half of baby boomers favor gays and lesbians’ marriages. The support has increased by 56% over the last decade. Among individuals who are religiously unaffiliated, a strong dominant part have bolstered same-sex marriage since 2001. Today, 85% of religious “nones” state same-sex couples ought to be permitted to marriage . 66% of Catholics currently support same-sex marriage, and so does the white mainline Protestants (68%). Support for same-sex marriage among black Protestants and white Protestants still remains lower than it is among different religious groups. In recent years, the support of white Protestants have increased from 27% to 35% but the Black Protestants still are against same sex marriage. Today White people support same sex marriage more than the Black people.

It is important to put aside religious issues to see this discussion from a lawful stance. It is also necessary that the government administration recognize the civil union of same sex couples since all residents of the United States are entitled to have equal rights regardless to race, sex or sexual introduction. It is a direct result of this legitimate separation that gay people are denied rights. Segregation isn’t right but the initial phase in rectifying social injustice must be taken soon. The issue of lawful marriage between two individuals of the same sex must be settled currently to stop the segregation that is happening all over the United States of America. Think about a park filled with small children. Kids are playing together, giggling and running, and parents are watching them with a happy mood. A couple of these parents is a same sex couple. The couple is enjoying with the rest of the parents. A small boy keeps running up to the couple, hugs them both, starts talking about his day, holding his parents’ hands, without believing that anything is wrong. This is the thing that legitimizing same sex marriage would do. Legalizing same sex marriage would give the citizens a peaceful society. It would help the economy and also improve America’s regulation across the planet.

Work Cited

  1. Massachusetts: Overview of Legal Issues for Gay Men, Lesbians, Bisexuals and Transgender People. GLAD, 2016
  2. “Changing Attitudes on Gay Marriage.” Pew Research Center’s Religion & Public Life Project, Pew Research Center’s Religion & Public Life Project, 26 June 2017,
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Struggle for Same Sex Marriage Equality. (2021, May 10). Retrieved from