Living Right: the Heartbeat of Virtue Ethics

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Updated: Mar 02, 2024
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Living Right: the Heartbeat of Virtue Ethics

This essay about virtue ethics presents a refreshing take on the philosophical approach that prioritizes character and virtues in ethical living. It explains how virtue ethics focuses on the qualities we need to cultivate, such as courage and honesty, and the vices we should avoid, like greed and deceit. The concept of practical wisdom, or phronesis, is discussed as crucial for applying moral principles to real-life situations, acting as a bridge between ideals and actions. The essay also introduces the virtuous agent, an individual whose actions inspire others to pursue a virtuous life. Through this exploration, virtue ethics is shown to be more than just a set of guidelines; it’s a call to live out the best versions of ourselves, making ethical decisions that reflect who we are and who we aspire to be. This approach to ethics encourages us not only to perform good acts but to embody goodness in every aspect of our lives.

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When we dive into the realm of virtue ethics, we’re not just wading through another philosophical theory. This approach to ethics is like a compass for the soul, guiding us through the murky waters of moral dilemmas with the light of character and virtue. It’s about asking not just “What should I do?” but “Who should I be?” Here, we’ll unpack the essentials of virtue ethics, touching on the key distinctions between virtues and vices, the indispensable role of practical wisdom, and the inspirational figure of the virtuous agent.

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Virtue ethics throws the spotlight on virtues—those stellar qualities like courage, honesty, and kindness that we admire in others and strive to embody in our own lives. It’s a call to polish these gems of character, making them shine brighter in our actions and decisions. On the flip side, we’ve got vices, the party crashers that can tarnish our character—think greed, deceit, or cowardice. Virtue ethics is like a personal trainer for the soul, pushing us to flex our moral muscles and shed those vices that weigh us down.

Now, let’s talk about practical wisdom, or phronesis. This isn’t about acing a philosophy quiz; it’s the down-to-earth, street-smart savvy that helps us navigate life’s ethical potholes. It’s knowing not just the good but how to bring it about, making choices that reflect our best selves in the real world. Practical wisdom is the bridge between high ideals and our everyday actions, ensuring that our moral compass is well-calibrated to the complexities of life.

And then there’s the virtuous agent, the kind of person who doesn’t just talk the talk but walks the walk. These are the folks who embody virtue in such a way that they light up a path for the rest of us to follow. They’re not saints or superheroes, but ordinary people who make a habit of choosing rightly, inspiring those around them to aim higher and dig deeper in their own ethical journeys.

In essence, virtue ethics invites us to look inward, to cultivate a character that’s not just about avoiding wrongdoing, but about actively seeking the good, making it a tangible reality in our lives and the lives of those around us. It’s a reminder that ethics is not a spectator sport; it’s an invitation to roll up our sleeves and get involved in the messy, beautiful work of becoming fully human.

So, there you have it—a quick tour through the landscape of virtue ethics. It’s a perspective that champions the best within us, encouraging us to build a life where virtue isn’t just an ideal, but a lived reality. In a world often fixated on the next big thing, virtue ethics calls us back to the timeless task of crafting a life marked by depth, integrity, and genuine goodness.

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Living Right: The Heartbeat of Virtue Ethics. (2024, Mar 02). Retrieved from