The Virtue of Holding Back Judgment: why it Matters more than you Think

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Updated: Dec 01, 2023
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In a world increasingly polarized and quick to judgment, the virtue of holding back judgment stands as a beacon of wisdom and patience. This essay delves into the significance of this often-overlooked virtue, exploring its impact on personal growth, social harmony, and effective decision-making.

Understanding the Impulse to Judge

Human beings, by nature, are quick to form opinions and judgments. This tendency, deeply rooted in our evolutionary history, served as a survival mechanism. In ancient times, swift judgments about the environment or strangers could mean the difference between life and death.

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However, in the complex and interconnected world of today, this quick-to-judge mentality often leads to misunderstandings, conflicts, and missed opportunities for deeper understanding.

The Power of Pausing

The first step in cultivating the virtue of holding back judgment is to recognize the power of pausing. When we encounter a situation or an individual that triggers our judgment, taking a moment to pause allows us to engage our rational mind. This brief interlude can enable us to consider alternative perspectives and gather more information before forming an opinion.

Fostering Empathy and Understanding

Empathy is at the heart of holding back judgment. By putting ourselves in others’ shoes, we open the door to understanding diverse perspectives and experiences. This empathetic approach not only broadens our own worldview but also fosters a more inclusive and tolerant society. It reminds us that people’s actions and beliefs are often shaped by their unique backgrounds and circumstances.

Enhancing Decision-Making

In the realm of decision-making, refraining from immediate judgment allows for more thoughtful and informed choices. It encourages us to weigh all aspects of a situation, consider long-term consequences, and seek out additional information if needed. This deliberate approach leads to more effective and sustainable decisions, both in personal and professional contexts.

Building Better Relationships

Relationships, whether personal or professional, greatly benefit from the virtue of holding back judgment. By not jumping to conclusions about others’ intentions or actions, we create a space for open and honest communication. This fosters trust and respect, laying the groundwork for stronger, more enduring relationships.

Cultivating Personal Growth

On a personal level, the practice of holding back judgment is a path to self-improvement. It encourages self-reflection, humility, and a willingness to admit that we may not always have all the answers. This mindset promotes continuous learning and growth, enabling us to become more rounded and compassionate individuals.


The virtue of holding back judgment is more than just a moral ideal; it is a practical tool for navigating an increasingly complex world. It enhances our ability to connect with others, make well-informed decisions, and grow as individuals. In embracing this virtue, we contribute to a more empathetic, understanding, and tolerant society, where diverse perspectives are valued, and conflict is replaced with constructive dialogue.

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The Virtue of Holding Back Judgment: Why It Matters More Than You Think. (2023, Dec 01). Retrieved from