Living on Campus and Living at Home

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Updated: Mar 28, 2022
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The decision to live on or off campus can completely change the student experience you get. How do you choose which is best for you?

Living on-campus and self-renting off-campus have their advantages. Think about your personal needs and requirements, and what is truly effective in your practice.

There are certainly advantages to spending your student years on a university campus. On campus, you will be surrounded by other students and it will only take a few minutes to get to class.

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However, there are also downsides. While residence in a student residence is ideal for many students, it may not suit you at all.
Living on campus will give you a better sense of community because you will be constantly surrounded by other students. University teachers and staff will also always be nearby.
It is easier to make acquaintances and make new friends on campus. There will be exactly the same students around you, who will also be torn from home and will need to communicate.
Campus student housing is always located near the educational buildings. This means that you will forget about the long commute to and from classes, about public transport, gas prices, parking lots, etc.
There is always something happening on the campuses of most universities, so you will definitely not get bored and forget about loneliness.
Student safety is a priority for modern educational institutions, so their campuses, and especially residential residences, are guarded 24/7.

Finding off-campus housing is a great option for many students. This provides an opportunity to escape from university life, but at the same time brings additional responsibilities and costs. Therefore, before deciding to rent a home, it is important to consider all the pros and cons.

Outside the campus, no one will force you to live side by side with another person. However, many students share accommodation with friends. This helps to reduce costs and find better quality accommodations.
You will have more space. Even in a one-room apartment or studio, there is much more space than in a residence room.
If you are renting, you do not have to worry about closing campus residences for the holidays, summer and other vacations. You can keep your rented housing, even if you have left home for a long time, the main thing is to pay rent on time.
Even if you decide to live with a neighbor, you do not have to live with a student from your own university. Undoubtedly, this increases the chances of being next door to a truly suitable person for you.
Unlike student residences, rental housing will not be dominated by any of the rules and regulations that are often set on campuses.

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Living On Campus And Living At Home. (2021, Jul 13). Retrieved from