Lifestyle’s Impact on Adolescent Health: a Call to Action

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The concept of lifestyle encompasses the distinctive characteristics and behaviors of individuals within a specific region and time. It encapsulates daily activities, including work, leisure, and dietary habits, which significantly impact one's overall well-being (Farhud, 2015). Numerous studies have delved into the correlation between unhealthy behaviors and both physical and psychosocial health outcomes (Tremblay et al., 2011). These behaviors can range from traditional health-related actions, such as nutrition and physical activity, to more contemporary concerns like internet use and video gaming (Busch & De Leeuw, 2014).

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This essay aims to explore the intersection of lifestyle behaviors and adolescent health, providing a comprehensive review of existing literature on the topic and examining the broader implications for both physical and psychosocial health.

Thesis Statement: As adolescents navigate a crucial developmental phase marked by significant physical and psychosocial changes, understanding the interplay of lifestyle behaviors is imperative. By examining the impact of these behaviors, this paper seeks to highlight the need for proactive measures, including educational and community interventions, to foster healthier lifestyles among adolescents in both local and global contexts.

The Impact of Lifestyle Behaviors

Physical inactivity is a prominent concern, identified by the World Health Organization as the fourth leading risk factor for global mortality, surpassing even obesity and overweight issues ([WHO], 2018). Unhealthy dietary habits coupled with physical inactivity have been linked to chronic diseases like cardiovascular ailments and colorectal cancer (Barbosa Filho et al., 2014). These behaviors, often interrelated, tend to manifest during adolescence—a critical period of growth and development, influencing health outcomes well into adulthood.

During adolescence, individuals undergo remarkable transformations, including significant gains in height, weight, and muscle mass (Neinstein, 2008). This developmental stage, encompassing ages 12-18, is characterized by exploratory behaviors that shape lifestyle habits, some of which pose significant health risks. It is crucial to monitor these behaviors during adolescence, as they hold substantial implications for long-term health.

Existing Literature on Adolescent Health

A comprehensive review of literature underscores the prevalence of unhealthy behaviors among adolescents and their detrimental effects on health (WHO, 2013). Traditional health-related behaviors like nutrition and physical activity continue to be vital, while emerging concerns such as bullying, internet use, and video gaming have gained prominence (Busch & De Leeuw, 2014). A study in the Netherlands, involving 2,690 high school students, found strong associations between these behaviors and psychosocial issues. Screen time, in particular, was linked to bullying, reduced physical activity, and unhealthy dietary habits (Busch et al., 2013).

Moreover, the school environment significantly influences adolescent behaviors. Unhealthy practices, such as regular smoking and sedentary lifestyles, have been associated with lower academic performance and overall health (Vuille & Schenkel, 2001). Peer interactions within schools play a crucial role in shaping behaviors, with frequent contact correlating with smoking, alcohol use, and physical inactivity.

Socioeconomic factors further compound these challenges. A study conducted on Swedish adolescents revealed that social and economic status significantly influenced health behaviors. Lower socioeconomic status was linked to an increased prevalence of unhealthy behaviors and a lack of engagement in health-promoting activities (Paulsson et al., 2014).

Social and Familial Influences

The role of family dynamics in adolescence is pivotal. Parental practices and family relationships significantly impact adolescent eating behaviors. A study in Minnesota involving 2,779 adolescents demonstrated that positive family dynamics, characterized by good communication and problem-solving, mitigated unhealthy eating behaviors (Berge et al., 2014). This underscores the importance of fostering supportive family environments to promote healthier lifestyle choices.

Additionally, studies have explored the clustering of unhealthy behaviors and their cumulative impact on health outcomes. A Dutch study identified specific patterns of behavior, including bullying and excessive screen time, which were linked to adverse health effects (Busch et al., 2013). Understanding these patterns is crucial for developing targeted interventions to address the multifaceted nature of adolescent health.

Obesity and Lifestyle Correlations

The relationship between lifestyle behaviors and obesity is particularly concerning. A cross-sectional study in Malaysia examined the correlation between BMI-for-age and lifestyle behaviors, including physical activity and dietary habits (Tee et al., 2018). The findings highlighted the direct link between unhealthy lifestyles and obesity, which, in turn, adversely affected cognitive functions and academic performance. Socioeconomic status played a significant role, with lower-income families more susceptible to unhealthy behaviors.

Sleep patterns also significantly influence adolescent health. A study in Saudi Arabia found a strong association between short sleep duration and increased risk of obesity among adolescents (Al-Hazzaa et al., 2012). This highlights the need for comprehensive health promotion programs that address multiple facets of adolescent health, including sleep hygiene and dietary habits.


In conclusion, the literature reviewed underscores the pervasive nature of unhealthy behaviors among adolescents and their profound impact on health outcomes. These behaviors are influenced by a myriad of factors, including socioeconomic status, family dynamics, and peer interactions. To address these challenges, it is imperative to implement comprehensive health promotion strategies that encompass educational interventions, community engagement, and supportive family environments. Policymakers, educators, and healthcare professionals must collaborate to create a conducive environment for adolescents to adopt healthier lifestyles. By doing so, we can mitigate the long-term health risks associated with unhealthy behaviors and promote a healthier future for the next generation.

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Lifestyle's Impact on Adolescent Health: A Call to Action. (2021, May 22). Retrieved from