Karl Marx Ideas of Capitalism and Communism

Written by: Ms Natalie
Updated: Dec 29, 2022
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Karl Mar introduced a very thoughtful but controversial communism idea. He believed that social-economic structures influence the world’s societal stages of history and revolution rather than reformation as the production cause in society. Moving from primitive society to the slavery principle (master vs. slave) to capitalism (factory owner vs. worker). Marx perceived that the last as well as greatest stage ought to be a classless society, one in which conflicts relating to class come to an end.

This kind of concept is thoughtfully valuable since it provides an idea of how the world’s history can grow and move forward.

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Marx’s divergence from capitalism is actually something that is considered, particularly with the US being a capitalist country for the largest part of its history. He classifies capitalism as involving economic exploitation and balances economic and social powers set in a manner that opens people’s eyes and stimulates some growth in the country. Marx talks of how the rich in a capitalist society get richer while the poor become poorer. The factory owners control the “boom and bust” economic cycle, making the working class to get affected in recession periods.

Becoming part of the dominant class is the only way of gaining money or having a voice. In some sense, it borders slavery. In his communism ideas, Marx introduced a socio-economic utopia whereby a classless society that emphasizes public ownership means every citizen’s equal power. This will result in a socialist culture, while personal alienation and economic exploitation will cease to exist. Regrettably, this concept seems unrealistic and unfeasible. Every person has to have common goodwill for this to be successful. A bad apple may destroy the idea for the entire nation.

For stability in the country, a solid central government is required, but power is associated with corruption. If all are satisfied with their working circumstances and living, there will be no space for innovations, change, as well as growth. The working society does not have a competitive edge, and exploitation is unavoidable. When everybody is being paid the same and paying the same tax, those individuals who work as astronauts or miners may naturally feel like they are being taken advantage of by being paid the same salary as the Walmart cashier. Hence, communism can be termed a bittersweet ideal. It is not feasible like some people would want it to be successful.

The concepts associated with communism are contradictory to human nature since people desire and struggle to be at the top. Humans seek power, which makes them happy. Yet, they should not completely discard communism in total. Since communism reveals flaws in the society such as the United States, having knowledge and studying it can enhance growth in a capitalist country.

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Karl Marx Ideas of Capitalism and Communism. (2021, Mar 27). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/karl-marx-ideas-of-capitalism-and-communism/