Junk Food and Diabetes

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Updated: May 03, 2022
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Have you ever wondered why diseases come to be? Diseases exist all around the world, and no one ever wants to get diagnosed with one. Diabetes is one of the many diseases that is a big problem that has affected plenty of people. The average of people who have diabetes is due to poor health, family history, and diets. Diabetes is a serious disease caused by insulin problems that can’t be cured but can be treated so that a person will not suffer complications.

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People who do not take care of themselves can get different types of diabetes. Sadly, there are several types of this disease such as type-1 diabetes, type-2 diabetes, prediabetes, and gestational diabetes. To avoid these types of diabetes, one must take care of themselves by being careful of what one eats. Also, we may find that some foods are delicious to consume, but they may contain unhealthy food products. Furthermore, the Mayo Clinic website explains the signs and symptoms in the following list: “ Increased thirst, Frequent urination Extreme hunger, unexplained weight loss, Presence of ketones in the urine, Fatigue, Irritability, Blurred vision, Slow-healing sores, and Frequent infections”(Mayo Clinic).

If people around the world ate fruit and vegetables every day, their chances of living a long life will be accurate. Eating fast food, candy, or anything that contains too much sugar can cause you to get diabetes because eating these kinds of foods every day will make your blood weak, and your body will not be normal. Unfortunately, when a person is diagnosed with a type of diabetes they are still ways to go on with life through treatments. For example, most anyone with diseases gets prescribed medications by their doctors, and also are advised to exercise and change their diet. By making these lifestyle changes, one can lead a fulfilling life.

However, with every disease, they are complications that can occur. For instance, diabetes may contain complications that may make it difficult to get through daily life. The Mayo Clinic website also says, “If you have diabetes, you are more likely to have heart disease or stroke” (Mayo Clinic). As one can see, this illness is dangerous in how it can affect the inside of the human body. Typically, one with any disease cannot do the same task that a normal person can do.

Therefore, this disease may have risk factors that can affect people around them. Although people eat the right food and stay healthy, some people can get diabetes when someone in their family has had it. For example, the article “National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive Kidney Diseases” talks about how one should stay fit to prevent this illness. The article says, “Although you can’t change risk factors such as family history, age or ethnicity, you can change lifestyle risk factors around eating, physical activity, weight” (NIDDK). In addition, people have the option to live a healthy life to avoid this disorder.

Nevertheless, oral manifestation is another bad effect of this disorder. Consuming a lot of foods that contain sugars and acids can affect the enamel of the teeth and can cause them to rot. Also, it can cause damage to the inside of the mouth, and it will make it hard to eat and talk. According to the Diabetes and Periodontal (Gum) Disease article “paired with oral hygiene, diabetes can lead to gingivitis, the first stage periodontal disease, or periodontitis severe gum disease”(John Hopkins Medicine). As this explains diabetes inside the mouth can lead to even more diseases.

Overall, diabetes is a disease that should be taken seriously, and consider the risk factors it causes for people who have it. Not only does it affect the way a person eats, but their physical health as well. If a person with diabetes doesn’t take care control of it, it can lead to a higher risk of heart disease, stroke, or even the possibility of amputation of the foot. To lower the risks, it change in diet and doing exercise as well as taking the proper medications can help a person with diabetes live a normal life. 

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Junk Food and Diabetes. (2022, May 03). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/junk-food-and-diabetes/