The Rise of Surveillance Technology

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Updated: Dec 07, 2024
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The Rise of Surveillance Technology

This essay will debate whether modern technology is leading us towards an Orwellian world akin to “Big Brother” from “1984.” It will discuss the concerns about surveillance, privacy erosion, and data control. The piece will examine the role of technology in society and its potential implications for personal freedom and societal control. Also at PapersOwl you can find more free essay examples related to Disease.

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In the modern era, technology is evolving at an unprecedented pace, raising concerns about the potential emergence of a society reminiscent of George Orwell's "1984," where "Big Brother" looms over every aspect of life. We may already be living in a constrained and limited environment, shaped by social media, personal beliefs, and societal expectations dictating our thoughts and actions. This essay explores the possibility that technology may ultimately lead us toward a society with diminished freedoms, where privacy is compromised, and autonomy is curtailed by pervasive surveillance.

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The Illusion of Freedom

Despite declarations of equality and freedom, modern society often offers only restricted liberty. We are encumbered by societal expectations regarding how we should think, dress, and express beliefs. Orwell's "1984" painted a world where citizens were expected to believe in the infallibility of Big Brother, with love and loyalty directed solely toward the regime. In this dystopian society, the power of choice was systematically stripped away. Citizens were forbidden from questioning the government, rendering them incapable of making informed decisions about their beliefs. The inner party maintained control by manipulating thoughts and emotions, using language restrictions to prevent dissent or "thoughtcrime." This manipulation aimed to eliminate independent thought and feelings, ultimately controlling individual actions and the future of society.

The Erosion of Privacy

The rapid advancement of technology has instilled a pervasive fear of privacy invasion. Are you aware that you might be monitored through the camera on your computer? It may sound unbelievable, yet it is a genuine concern. Conversations with friends about personal interests or upcoming events may be overheard, not just by those present but by third parties, including the government. The seemingly coincidental appearance of targeted advertisements reveals the extent to which privacy is breached. Our privacy is continuously infringed upon, and we find ourselves under constant watch. This fear echoes the experiences of Winston and Julia in "1984," who were relentlessly monitored by telescreens and the inner party. In today's world, technological advancements such as Snapchat and Instagram facilitate tracking our every move. Phone calls are intercepted, and messages are scrutinized, suggesting that the era of ubiquitous surveillance may already be upon us, unnoticed by many.

A Call for Awareness

The parallels between Orwell's fictional world and our reality demand our attention. While technology offers undeniable benefits, it also poses significant challenges to our privacy and freedom. Society must remain vigilant to ensure that technological advancements do not lead us further down the path toward an intrusive surveillance state. We must question the balance between security and privacy, advocating for transparency and accountability in data collection practices. By engaging in informed discussions and promoting digital literacy, we can better navigate the complexities of modern technology and safeguard individual freedoms.


In conclusion, the relentless march of technology presents both opportunities and challenges. Although we are not yet living in a dystopian reality akin to Orwell's "1984," the potential for such a society exists if we fail to address the implications of pervasive surveillance. By understanding the erosion of privacy and the illusion of freedom, we can work toward a future that respects individuality and autonomy. It is imperative to remain vigilant, question authority, and advocate for policies that balance security with privacy. Only through collective awareness and action can we ensure that the promise of technology enhances, rather than diminishes, our fundamental freedoms.

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The Rise of Surveillance Technology. (2023, Feb 07). Retrieved from